the one where you watch the sunset

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a/n: hi again. hope you're all doing well and staying safe during these crazy times. sending lots of love <3

you tossed the blanket in the back next to the cooler and scanned the area making sure everything was there. after shutting the trunk to harry's car, you shuffle to the passenger seat and wait for him to be done in the bathroom. it was a beautiful summer evening and one of the things that you loved to do together was watch the sunset. the beach was not far from where you lived, so it was a nice short drive. you watched as a neighbor walked her dog past the house and couldn't help but smile. everyone was outside, the birds were chirping, and not a single cloud was in the sky. due to it being the late evening, the temperature had gone down making it feel perfect outside. the driver's side door opened and you glanced at harry as he got situated. 

it was insane how he made you smile so easily, even for the littlest things. like right now, his eyebrows were furrowed as he made sure he had his phone and wallet. you also noticed how he made sure you had your seatbelt on before he began driving. 

his voice interrupted your daze, "you want to play music?"

you hummed in response and connected to the bluetooth. after hitting shuffle on your playlist you rolled the window down and gladly accepted the wind that blew your hair back the slightest. you sighed in content and rested your hand on your cheek, looking out at the scenes that passed. you heard harry let out a tiny giggle which made you turn your head. 


he briefly glanced at you before looking back at the road a smile present on his lips, "nothing. you're just so adorable."he reaches over and grabs your hand, kissing the back of it. you shake your head and laugh as a blush creeps onto your cheeks. he continues to hold your hand as he drives, which is perfectly fine with you. the drive goes by quickly, the water coming into view along with the sky that is already starting to fill with different shades of blue, pink, and purple. the smell of salty water drifts through the windows and you gaze at the beach with people already sitting enjoying the night. harry drives past the main parking lot which confuses you for a moment. 

"babe, where are you going?"

he smiles and squeezes your thigh lightly, "i wanna show you a secret spot."

he drives a bit farther and then suddenly turns on a road that you haven't been down before. the road goes in a straight line for at least a mile when the ocean's smell comes back to your senses. looking at the horizon, you see where the ocean meets the sky ever so slightly, indicating that the destination is close. a smaller parking lot appears with no cars parked in sight. harry pulls into a spot and shuts off the vehicle. this portion of the beach is completely empty except for the occasional old couple walking along the shore. 

"how'd you find this place," you wonder as he opens the passenger door for you. 

he smiles, "i stumbled upon on it by accident. i got lost with mitch and we turned on this road hoping it woulda led us back to the main road somehow." 

harry opens the trunk of his range rover and you reach for the cooler, but he snatches it before you can lug it out. he always insists on carrying everything for you, making you glare at him playfully and instead opt for grabbing the blanket. you begin walking down to the sand and your hand accidentally brushes his. without another second harry lightly laces your fingers together which makes your heart flutter. after laying out the blanket, harry sets the cooler down and slides off his shoes. the sound of waves crashing tempts you towards the water. 

"come on," you say holding out your hand for harry to take. he runs toward you instead, sweeping you off your feet and over his shoulder. you squeal as he rushes towards the water, putting you down so that your toes are just barely wet. the next wave rushes in pushing the water closer to shore. you walk further in so that you're ankles are completely submerged in the cool salty water. the sun is making its way down closer to the horizon, almost touching where the ocean appears. you push your hair out of your face and take a deep breath admiring the beautiful atmosphere. 

harry's arms snake around your waist from behind as he places a delicate kiss on your exposed shoulder. leaning into him, a smile graces your lips. there is no place you'd rather be than in harry's arms watching the stunning scenery before you. a wave of melancholy passes over you from the overwhelming happiness that the present moment brings. like you're happy and sad at the same time. as if sensing your emotions harry murmurs a question into your hair, "what is it love?"

you twist in his arms and face him with your head tilted up to look at his. golden hour has since started and the soft rays of light shining on harry's face make him ethereal. in the moment you feel abruptly lucky to be able to even have the chance to have someone that loves you completely and unapologetically. his illuminated green eyes peer down from your eyes to your lips as he tries to decipher what it is you are feeling. bringing your hand up to his face, you brush your fingers against his lips gently. 

"i'm just happy", you say not being able to articulate what this moment with him feels like. 

a soft smile appears on harry's face as he cups your face into his large hands. he presses a kiss to your lips and you happily accept his touch wrapping your arms around him. his touch is gentle and sweet as he pours so much emotion and love into you through this small act. he doesn't even have to say the words to let you know that harry has never loved someone as much as he does you. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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