Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


 I took the healer’s advice, and headed south, hoping I could trust her.   We rode through the night, only stopping for a little while to let Ichiro and Riku rest.  As the sun started to rise, a soft drizzle sprinkled down on us.   The dank clouds hiding the sun, casting a dreary look over the land.  As the day wore on, the rain picked up a little, and a cool breeze whistled around us.

   I stopped for a few minutes to eat a quick meal, and slipped a blanket over Ichiro.  I wrapped the second blanket around Riku and I, it helped a little.  Even with it, the cold seeped through, chilling our bones.

  Around mid-day, two riders came our way.    I reached over, pulling the blanket over Ichiro’s face.  Then pulled the other closer around Riku and I, while ducking my head.  The two riders passed by, ignoring us.  I let out a breath when I looked back, and saw them disappear around a turn.

  After a while the sun came out from behind the clouds, and I stopped out of sight from the road.

  “Try to find dry kindling,” I told Riku.

  Riku nodded and hurried off.  As he went looking for wood, I put together a quick meal with some of the food the Inn keeper had given us.  A few minutes later, Riku returned with some half-dry wood.

  “Is that all you could find?”  I asked.

  “Yes,” Riku replied.  His body sagged with exhaustion.

  “Here,” I said, handing him some food.  “Eat, and then get some rest.”

  Riku took the food eagerly, and sat down where I started to make a fire.  It took a little longer than usual to get the fire started, but once I did, I started the tea boiling.

  “I’m going to go find water,” I told Riku.  “Stay here.”

  I didn’t need tell him that, seeing he had retrieved the blanket, and was curling up by the fire.  Riku nodded, acknowledging he had heard me. 

  I found a stream of water running down an incline, just enough to collect, and fill the water bags.  When I got back to camp, the tea was almost ready.

  I woke Ichiro.  He groaned as he came too, his eyes where still glazed over.   He gazed up blankly, his body limp.

    I quickly filled the cup with tea, and lifted him up to drink.  He stirred a little as the steam rose up to his nostrils.  And some of his strength seemed to return.  This time he drank the tea more easily.  After he finished, I repacked most of the belongings, letting the two sleep. 

  After I finished, I allowed myself a little rest.  Too much.

  When I awoke, the sun was starting to set.  I jerked up, to see Ichiro sound asleep, and Riku putting more wood on the fire.

  “How long have you been awake?”  I asked him

  “Just a little while,” Riku said.  “Do we have to go now?”

  “Yes,” I replied.

  Riku helped me get Ichiro back on his horse, and pack the few things I had left out.   I had Riku drink as much as he wanted, then went to fill as much as I could in the water bags while Riku warmed himself by the dying fire.     

  We rode through the night, and until around midday.  I stopped to let the horses rest, and Riku went looking for firewood.   I gave Ichiro some more tea, he seemed to be improving a little.  As Riku and I ate some food, I leaned back against a tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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