Xu Qiang - 1.7

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A cold sensation woke the boys up in a shock. They were rubbing their eyes when they heard a voice.

"Good morning!" Xu Qiang chirped in the midst of the boys' groans.

"Is it morning already?" Li Cheng asked.

"No." Xu Qiang said with a straight face, "it's been 20 minutes since you all fell asleep."

"...Why did you drop water on us?" He Shun said quietly.

"You know, I think you all deserved it. How on earth could you all just fall asleep on the side of the road in the middle of the night? Do you know how dangerous that is?" Xu Qiang said with a firm tone.

The boys were still half asleep so they just mumbled a 'sorry' and 'we won't do it again'. Xu Qiang sighed and helped them up from the pavement. 

"Your ride is here."

The e-taxi that Xu Qiang called came after what felt like a few hours. Xu Qiang wet her fingertips with the water she purchased while the boys were sleeping and flicked it at them once more to wake them up fully.

"We're awake! We're awake!" The boys exclaimed.

Xu Qiang exhaled, "Get in the car."


"You should come with us." Kang Donghai said once the boys were in the taxi, ready to leave.

"Why would I do that?"

"...Weren't you the one saying that it's dangerous in the middle of the night?" He Shun spoke up.

"Yeah..." Xu Qiang said slowly.

"So? You should come with us jiejie!" Qiao Chonglin smiled.

"Ma'am I can drop all of you off to your locations." The taxi driver said patiently.

Xu Qiang thought about it for a moment and then sighed, "Fine."

She could've sworn that she heard the taxi driver say 'more money for me', but maybe she was hallucinating. 

"Where do you guys live?" Xu Qiang realised she didn't know where their houses were.

The boys all lived in the elite part of the city but in different directions.

The taxi driver got through the gates for entering the elite area, then made his way to Qiao Chonglin's house, which was the closest to the entrance.

When they stopped by the entrance gate of his house, Qiao Chonglin stepped out and stood quietly on the side.

Xu Qiang stepped out of the car aswell. She went near him and stuck her hand out. She said something to him that made him smile and he quietly said something back to her. Qiao Chonglin accepted her hand and shook it gently.

 As Xu Qiang was walking away she waved to him and he waved back once she got in the car.

The guard standing on the side saw this and was shocked.

Their young master was returning late at night and smiling at a girl?

The taxi drove off and then went to Kang Donghai's house. After that, the taxi went to Li Cheng's. It was the same for them, say a few words, handshake, then leave.

Xu Qiang and He Shun were the last ones left. When the taxi neared his area, it stopped early because there were much higher security measures. He Shun's mansion looked more expensive and more grand compared to the others.

Xu Qiang jokingly asked if he was in the mafia but he just looked at her and didn't say anything.

...What is that supposed to mean?

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