Xu Qiang - 1.14

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Xu Qiang and Wang Yong reached the hall where the event was taking place. She could see all the fancy cars lining up in the front and women walking in, covered in expensive jewelry and clothing.

Wang Yong came over to her place pretty early, so they were just on time. Slightly nervous, Wang Yong clasped onto Xu Qiang's hand. Xu Qiang used her other hand to pat his back.

"Why do you look so nervous?" Xu Qiang asked worriedly.

"I don't know." Wang Yong replied.

"Take a deep breath," Xu Qiang said, "Are you feeling better now?"

Wang Yong watched Xu Qiang's concerned face and became better. Knowing that she was worried about him, made him feel happy inside.

"I'm okay now, come on, let's go." Wang Yong let go of Xu Qiang's hand and stuck out his elbow.

Xu Qiang smiled at him and looped her arm through his. Since the Wang Yong is the only child in the Wang Family, people pay more attention to him. And although the He Family's status is well-above the Wang Family, they are hard to approach, making people go to the Wang Family as the second option.

When Xu Qiang and Wang Yong entered, they got a lot of stares. A beautiful woman and a handsome man was bound to attract attention. Though, everyone's attention was on the woman. The man beside her paled in terms of presence. With a slight smile, Xu Qiang successfully stole the attention.

The young women on the side couldn't do anything apart from glare at Xu Qiang, jealous that she was the fiance of Wang Yong, and the young men on the side glared at Wang Yong, jealous that he was the fiance of Xu Qiang. Such a beautiful match.


30 minutes in and nothing has happened.

Xu Qiang thought as she swirled her wine glass and took a sip.

Xu Qiang sighed as she put her glass down. Wang Yong, who was sitting beside her whispered in her ear. "We should go and talk to the guests."

Nodding, Xu Qiang smiled at him. Wang Yong stood up and stretched out his hand. Xu Qiang took it and stood up. The couple walked around a bit and talked to each other before people started crowding them and wanting to meet them. From the corner of her eye, Xu Qiang saw He Mingyu talking to an older man who was cowering while speaking.

Xu Qiang shook her head at him. He Mingyu felt a stare and looked in that direction. He had already seen Xu Qiang enter with Wang Yong but he didn't want to go and meet her, because he would have to meet Wang Yong too.

He Mingyu saw as Xu Qiang entered with her fiance, looking even more beautiful than she normally does. He caught Xu Qiang's stare as she raised a brow at him. Looking at him from top to bottom, Xu Qiang gave him a thumbs up when Wang Yong was talking with someone.

The older man who was talking to He Mingyu didn't notice Xu Qiang and He Mingyu's silent conversation, because he was looking down when he was talking. He Mingyu raised a brow back at her as he looked at her from top to bottom, copying Xu Qiang's previous action.

Xu Qiang acted offended as she folded her arms and narrowed her eyes at him. Earning a smirk from He Mingyu. Xu Qiang dropped the act and smiled at him, before looking at Wang Yong.

He Mingyu also went back to speaking to the older man and they both stayed away from each other after that. Conversing with people for a bit, Xu Qiang found the glares she got from the other women really funny.

You think being with this man is fortunate?

People who conversed with the couple found Xu Qiang to be very knowledgeable and really fun to talk to. Since Lihua was a business woman, she knew how to keep a conversation going. She knows that if people have a favourable impression of her, they are more likely to take her side.

Even the older businessmen that Wang Yong took Xu Qiang to talk to were very impressed with her knowledge about the stock markets and technological knowledge about everyone's companies. After going around and talking with people, Wang Yong told Xu Qiang that he was going to go and meet his friends.

Not going to take me to meet them?

Xu Qiang thought but smiled at Wang Yong and told him to go. Xu Qiang walked around and since the women her age were mostly glaring at her and talking behind her back, she didn't want to go and talk to them. Instead, she went to the older ladies and started chatting with them.

All these ladies were middle-aged and knew how the society was so they welcomed Xu Qiang and talked happily with her. They saw how their husbands seemed impressed with her and wanted to see how much she knew.

Mother Wang, who was also there, saw her future daughter-in-law talking with everyone and felt a lot of pride.

I picked the right one.

After around an hour, Xu Qiang saw He Shun enter with the others. She excused herself and walked up to them. Everyone around the area held their breaths as they saw Xu Qiang walking towards the boys. The people attending the event knew how rebellious these 4 are. They thought that Xu Qiang was dumb for trying to approach them.

The teenage girls who were from rich families were waiting to see He Shun humiliate Xu Qiang like how he always does when he sees females coming near him, but, shockingly, He Shun didn't. He even smiled at her!

The people around the boys became frozen as they watched how all the boys enthusiastically greeted Xu Qiang and smiled at her.

Xu Qiang told the boys to go and talk to others and start socializing. "Don't worry jiejie, after you leave, there will be a crowd around us anyway." Li Cheng said.

Xu Qiang held back a laugh at his words and smiled at him. "Okay."

She waved at them and went back to where she was. Wang Yong and his friend stared at Xu Qiang in astonishment as she casually started talking to the ladies again.

"You got a good one." Wang Yong's friend enviously said.

"I did." Wang Yong said proudly, gazing at his beautiful fiance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?" A person on stage started speaking.

"To thank you all for your  contributions to our charity, we put together a small show. We hope you enjoy."

A group of ladies came in wearing floral dresses that swayed when they walked, with veils covering their faces. Xu Qiang bid farewell to the women as she went to Wang Yong.

This is going to be fun.

The ladies formed a circle, surrounding one woman in the middle. Wang Yong looked at the performers and thought that the girl in the middle looked a bit familiar.

He Mingyu couldn't be bothered looking at the dance and started looking at Xu Qiang. Xu Qiang turned to his direction and looked back at him.

'Why are you looking at me?' She mouthed to him.

'I'm bored.' He Mingyu mouthed back.

Xu Qiang rolled her eyes at him. 'Look at the dance then.'

He Mingyu sighed and looked towards the performing ladies. He, like Wang Yong, also found that the girl in the middle looked very familiar, but her face was covered by a veil so he couldn't tell who it was.

Ye Ping, who was the girl in the middle, became nervous as she saw both Wang Yong and He Mingyu. She kept making tiny mistakes, which made the performance look a bit weird.

He Mingyu doesn't care. Wang Yong does.

Ye Ping repeated to herself, slowly dancing again.

The performers started moving out towards the crowd and dancing around them. Ye Ping thought that this was the perfect chance to go to Wang Yong. She saw his gorgeous fiance on the side and had an impulse to beat her up.

Wang Yong cares about me, not you. You're just a wallflower and I'm his real lover. Just you wait, I'll make sure to wipe that smile off your face.


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