chapter 1

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It is a very peaceful day.

Or that what it's supposed to be.

Everyone gathered in i7's living room. All attention was on the conflicted twins. The older only held a calm expression while the younger was anxious and confused.

"Tenn-nii what do you mean?"-riku


The tension was eating everyone that watching the twins affair.

Everyone were thinking how they ended up in this situation.


I7 was having their breakfast on their dorm. The sound of laughter echoed the whole dorm. Everything is alright.

But then they suddenly attacked by the familiar people that burst through the dorm's door that almost send the door flying.

(A/N: why i always make the door suffer?😂)

All of i7 members were startled. Its not everyday that someone burst through your front door.

But unfortunately, its always happen to idolish7. All of them look at the figures while the intruders calmly enter their dorm.

"Ohaiyo my little kouhais!!!!"-momo

And of course, the intruder is none other than Trigger, Revale and Zool themselves.

"Sorry for intruding"

"I want sweets"

"Shut up you already have one just now"



I7 watch the intruders for a few minutes then continue eating their breakfast. They kinda get used to get intruders but they can't get used to get surprised and startled.

"How could you ignore your guests?!"-momo

"Its not that we ignore you- oh wait, we ARE ignoring you"-yamato

"You meanie!"

"You're the mean one. What kind of people that burst into someone else's door?"-yamato

"Yeah. You almost send the door flying"-mitsuki

(A/N finally! Justice for the door!)

"Hehe sorry"-momo

After all of them shattered all through the dorm and do their own things. Whether its reading books, watching television and fighting.

Everthing is normal. Until a redhead come to living room with confusion. While Tenn and Iori following him from behind.

"What you want to talk about Tenn-nii?"-riku

Tenn, that held the calm face all the time, look at Riku.

"Riku, i don't think you're fit to become an idol"-tenn

All heads perk up hearing Tenn. This time, all of them were confuse.

"Oi Tenn, what you're doing?"-gaku

"T-Tenn i don't think you should-"-ryuu

"Kujo-san, what are you trying to do?"-iori

"I'm stating the truth, Izumi Iori"-tenn

"Tenn-nii what do you mean?"-riku

End of flashback

And that's how they ended up in this situation.

"What i mean is that you aren't fit to become an idol, Riku"-tenn

"B-but why?"-riku

Anxiousness and confusion is visible on Riku's face. The others can only watch them.

"You're not a professional, Riku. Entertainment business doesn't fit you with all the rivalries"-tenn


Worries were plastered on the idols's faces.

"Kujo-san, even though entertainment business is full of rivalries, we idolish7 will always be here to support each other"-iori

"Iorin is right. We will be here"-tamaki

All of them full of determination. But Tenn wasn't amused by it.

" I don't think so. Riku's conditions will only keep his true ability from showing. And what do you think the fans' reaction if they knew about his illness?"-tenn

"Oi kujo, i wouldn't let you-"-touma

"Like i said, Riku. You aren't fit to become an idol"-tenn

All attention move to Riku. His hair covered his eyes. His fist was clench tightly until it turn white.

"Maybe you're right Tenn-nii. Maybe i shouldn't become an idol in the first place."-riku

All eyes widen. Confusion is visible on their faces. 'Did he gave up?' Was the only question that confuse them.

Riku then walk back to his room. All eyes still not leaving where Riku goes even though the figure already leave the room.

"The hell are you thinking, brat?!"-gaku

"I gotta agree with Gaku. That's not nice Tenn"-momo

"The entertainment business is not suit for him and I'm sure even you know it"-tenn

"Yeah you're right but its his dream to become an idol"-haruka

"We just need to support him"-sogo

" No"-tenn

"Tenn, you're his brother. You're the one that supposed to support him more"- ryuu

" Tsunashi- san is right. As the older brother, we need to support our younger siblings"-mitsuki

"Its for the best"-tenn

" Enough with this bullshit! He maybe not fit to be in entertainment business but at least he tried! Look how far he goes and you just tell him to quit?!"-touma

(A/N wow i make touma like an overprotective brother or *cough* lover*cough* . And you can't stop me for shipping ToumaRiku!)

Everyone was either fighting or stopping the fight. Until to the point where Tenn couldn't take it, he slammed his fist to the table.

"I said he can't then he can't! End of the story!"-tenn

Tenn yell loudly that shock them that Tenn could yell like that just because he didn't let Riku become an idol.

Just when the fight was about to continue again, all of them feel dizzy and passed out.


Ok i try change my writing and i think its....okay? But oh well. This story might be weird because its based from my imagination.

Also, yes i know this part is lame because its the common situation but wait until you see the next chapter~

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