chapter 4

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"Oh! You're idolish6, Trigger, Re:vale and Zool!"

"Haha yes we are. And you are?"

"Oh sorry for my rudeness! Im Nanase Riku. Nice yo meet you!"


All of them widen their eyes. He took off his cap and they are greet with the person they have been searching, standing in front of them.

Riku is still the same. His red hair and crimson eyes still the same. His bright smile that could brighten your day still remains.

The look at Riku and then the bell rings. Meaning that the students need to go to their classes.

"Ah! I'm sorry but i need to go to my class!bye!"-riku

Riku then leave to go to his class. The idols stand there, still shocked. The first person to come back to his senses is Yuki. He look around and see that they're the only people that left.

" Let's go. I think we need to calm down a little "-Yuki

They come back to their senses and nod with Yuki's statement. They really need to calm down.

At the dorm

The idols sit in the living room, still thinking about what happened. They already expected that Riku won't know them but what about Tenn?

" I just realized that Riku-kun didn't really react with Kujo-san"-sogo

"Now that you said it, he really did"-mitsuki

" Maybe Riku didn't saw him? I mean, we are many and maybe he didn't really sees Kujo-shi"-nagi

"Maybe you're right Nagi"-yamato

"Sigh. All of this giving ne headache"-gaku

"I think i know why Riku didn't react when he saw Tenn"-minami

" Hm? How you know?"-iori

"I read again the information we get fo president Yaotome and it seems we slipped a few details of his health history"-minami

" What is it?"-tenn

"On 9 July 20XX, a high schooler, Nanase Riku got into a car crash at XXX street in Hokkaido and caused him an amnesia. The doctor still not sure about his amnesia but when his parents mention about the tragedy that happen few years ago, he said he didn't knew at all. The doctor theory is, if he didn't remember the tragedy he might as well didn't remember his brother"-minami

" What... into...a car crash?"-tenn

"Tenn.... Is there anything else, minami?"-ryuu

" For now, there's none"-minami

"Riku got in an accident and i didn't know about it"-tenn

"Kujo-san i think you're wrong"-iori

" What?"-tenn

"We're in a different 'dimension', remember?"-iori

" Oh yeah"-tenn

"You should blame yourself in this dimension then"-gaku

"Now now gaku. Don't cause a fight now"-ryuu

"By tje way, how Riku got to Hokkaido?"-torao

" He's on a school trip"-minami

"Owhhh.... So now what? Should we go meet him again?"-tamaki

" I think the school ended already"-Yuki

"Momo think we should go to see his part time job!"-momo

" Part time job?"-mitsuki

"Oh yes! Its the Kitty's Cafe right?! We should take a look there!"-nagi

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