Chapter 3

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A/N- Sooo sorry for the late update. To apologize, this chapter is a little longer than normal.
Enjoy! :)

Disgusted faces glanced at Naruto, who made his way through the streets of Konoha. The grin on his face not once disappearing from his face. He walked whit no care in the world, as if he did not know the true sadness of this world.
Jet, behind the grin, smile and laughter he mentally sighed. His tired and puffy eyes, where hidden behind a jutsu, disguising his lack of sleep the last couple nights.
The smiling blonde, made his way to the Ninja academy, just like he promised the hokage a while ago. The hokage had agreed to continue giving him solo missions as long as he kept intact whit his current mission.

To protect the last Uchiha.

The mission was simple enough, all he had to do was keep an eye on him. Nothing more, nothing less.

He was now in front of the door, to his classroom. He looked at his watch to make sure he was late. He had to keep his act, as the dead last. If anyone found out he was the Kitsune, he was doomed. So, to keep his identity hidden, he needed to act like the stupid kid who can't seem to do anything right.
Once again, the tired blonde signed, not having the energy to act all energetic.
He had been going to the academy for 3 years now and had successfully created the person they all knew as Naruto Uzumaki the number one unpredictable knuckleheaded ninja of the leaf village. No one even suspected him to have a brain, or anything in that direction.

He nodded to himself, thinking he was late enough now. He then went from his cold and tired aura and facial expression, to a bright and joyful aura along whit a big grin covering his entire face.
Here we go again..
He thought before sliding the classroom door open whit a loud bang.
The whole class glanced at the door well
knowingly who was standing there.
"You're late again Naruto, what is your excuse this time?" Iruka, their teacher asked, raising his voice a little.
"Hehe sorry Iruka-sensei but I kind of overslept you see, but don't worry one day I'll be the hokage BELIVE IT!" The grinning boy yelled as went from scratching the back of his head, to jumping in excitement.
The teacher signed at the overly hyped boy in front of him.
"How many times have I told you to be on time?! You can't become the hokage if you can't even make it to class on time" He told him as he rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming.
"Yeah yeah, just you wait and see! Believe it!" The boys grin just widened as Iruka signed. He signaled the boy to sit down and continued his class.
Much to Naruto's luck he was seated next to the Uchiha he had agreed to protect. This way he was closer to him, and therefore much more capable of holding an eye out for him.
Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha were rivals, or so Naruto claimed. This way he was getting closer to the boy whit out being friends whit him. Not one second did he not have the mission in his thoughts. Every decision he made near any of these people, was whit the mission on mind. One wrong move and the mission would fail.
The blonde would rather be the ravens rival than friend. He had not had any friends before and didn't know what to do or how to act. Therefore, this was the obvious choice.
As the class went on the blonde stared out of the window beside him, enjoying the view. It was indeed beautiful. Naruto found nature itself amazing, so full of life and color. He stared out of the window as if he was in a trance.
While the blonde was busy looking out of the window, he didn't feel a couple of dark onyx eyes on him. Watching his every move. The eyes belonged to the said raven. Sasuke Uchiha. The raven had always found something weird about his blonde classmate. The way he always smiled and laughed. He always seems so happy, and jet his eyes don't match the smile spread across his face. He just couldn't understand. Why didn't they match? Why did he seem like one person on one side of his face, jet another person on the other half? It didn't make sense.
Soon the bell rang, telling them it was lunch time.
All the students took out their food, all except one. Naruto. Sasuke looked at him, wondering why he still hadn't moved. At this point he would always challenge him or tell Sakura how pretty she was or make a prank or something.
But nothing happened.
He kept in place, not moving one inch.
The raven looked at him confused. Maybe he didn't hear the bell? He thought. He shook his head. Why should he care? It got nothing to do whit him.
Before long a certain pink haired girl came up to their table.
"Sasuke-kun, I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch whit me?" She smiled at him. Before he could say anything, another girl interrupted. This girl had blonde hair in a high ponytail.
"Why would he eat whit you billboard brow? He obviously likes me more" she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Oh and why would he like you Ino-pig?"
She spat back. The insults kept on like this for a while before Naruto stepped in. He was not in the mood to be doing this. They were annoying the shit out of him. So, he did his normal Naruto thing.
"Oh oh, I'll eat lunch whit you Sakura- Chan!" He offered, a gigantic fake smile forming on his lips as he asked her.
"Eww no, why would I ever eat lunch whit you? BAKA!" She said as she tightened her hand into a fist and hit Naruto right on the head. This made the boy reach out his hands to where he was hit and fake cry his normal: Why Sakura-chan? I'm so much better than hiiiim! And so on. This was a normal day at the academy, it would happen the same way every time.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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