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"What the hell are you doing here?! What happened to Antonio? How did he-"

"Whoa slow it down there dude I can't understand you with that ridiculous accent." Alfred leaned down, putting an arm around Arthur to help him get on his feet. The Brit was pale, numb and staring into space, just now realising what had happened.


"Look, I'll tell you about it when we get home. It's not safe here." There was an uneasy tone to the Americans voice. The Brit didn't like it one bit.

Arthur nodded and started walking back to their home, leaning against Alfred for support. It was no less than ten minutes before Arthur was back to his usual self, pushing Alfred aside, insisting that he was "fine and didn't need any help walking!"

It wasn't long until thy were back home, and Arthur was fully back to his original, moody self.

"Explain what the fuck happened out there right now. What did you do to Antonio? How did he find out about you?"

"Look, this isn't easy to explain to humans but I'll give it a shot anyway, just follow with me. This may sound like absolute bullshit to you but Antonio is- was and angel, so are Gilbert and Francis. They obviously sensed that I was a demon and got worried."

Arthur froze, shocked to find that his friends were such creatures, and he never suspected a thing. "...Why did they come after me and not you?"

"They're scared of me. They wanted to get at me by killing you because they don't have the balls to hurt me directly. You can't trust angels, they're backstabbing pieces of shits."

"They were my FRIENDS. How can you say I can't trust them?! I've known them for years now. How long have I known you for? Why should I trust you?!"

"You trust me though. You have since the start."

"I-... No that's not fucking fair! You're obviously manipulating my thoughts and feelings with some kind of bullshit magick!"

"Trust me, I'm not. Also I can't do magick. Sure I have powers and all but magick is a power that has to be learned. It's only limited to witches like you. Of course, you'll be a better witch if your skills were inherited."

"Were getting off the point here."

"We are? I thought it'd be relevant for you to know that I can't manipulate anything about you. Why should I anyway? I've got all the powers I need and all the time in the world to do what I please with whoever i choose. But maybe I'm fed up of that. Maybe I don't want to go on a killing spree for the tenth time this century. Maybe I want to know more about humans. I know witches are a bit out there and not really classed as 'ordinary humans', but you're the only kind that won't freak out about my existence."

"I know. I... " Arthur placed his hands over his eyes, taking a deep sigh before collapsing onto the bed. "I don't know what to do anymore."

"Nothing much you can do, bro. Just sit and wait for them to show up so I can kill them. I don't want to leave you alone anymore. It was a bad idea."

"Why didn't you tell me that they weren't human?"

"Didn't want your little brain to explode trying to process information about another type of 'mythical creature'. Also, I didn't think they'd do anything. Not this early on anyway."

"I can't fucking believe this."

"Just believe that you'll be safe."

"Oh yeah, safe with a fucking demon protecting me. This all seems pretty fucking arse backwards. I thought angels are meant to be good while demons are bad."

"Nothing's as simplistic as that. There's good and evil points in both. At least a lot of demons have more self control, and at least it's fucking obvious that we're cunts.
If the supposed Christian God just lets whoever into his kingdom, no matter who they are, rapists, murderers, abusers, if they're sorry then that makes them good. That doesn't seem to be a kingdom full of good people now does it?
And what does the supposed Christian Lucifer do? He punishes the ones who deserve to be punished. So if heaven is full of evil people who are 'sorry', then where is the real heaven you're looking for?"

"Then what's real?! What religion is telling the truth?"

"Couldn't it be possible that religion is just an escape from reality, a beacon of hope because you want something better, because the reality you're living in isn't enough?"

"Stop it."

"Stop what?" Alfred asked, sitting on the bed beside him.

"Making me question everything again." Arthur didn't even flinch.

"If you're questioning everything, then maybe your faith isn't as strong as you'd like it to be."


This ones a bit quick and it's mainly talking more than anything else, just wanted to update it soon enough.

But hey wow that convo got deep quickly huh

Just learned about putting media on and I'm so happy I'm gonna draw some fan art (of my own work wow such narcism) and put it up, but until then have a picture of my fave necklace

Hope you've enjoyed and criticism is welcomed if not encouraged.

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now