A Demon and His Brit: Man Boobs and Plush Rumps

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Arthur froze, absorbing the Demons warmth as the his arms wrapped themselves tightly around him. A sneaky blush painted Arthur's cheeks and the Demon refused to let go.

"I... Um.. A-Alfred?" Arthur managed to mumble.

No response.


Still nothing.


Surprise!... Nothing.


"Alright, alright. I heard you the first twenty times." The 'American' chuckled. "What is it?"

"Can you... Perhaps... Not hug me for so long?" Arthur requested, face turning bright hue.

"Why? Don't humans like to hug each other?" His arms only tightened around the Brit.

"Not for this long. Never for this long."

"Fuck that noise. I'll hug you for as long as I want to." Alfred smirked.

"Like hell you will! I demand you to let me go this instant!" Arthur growled but showed no signs of force to remove Alfred off of him.




"Fuck you."

"Heh. In your wet dreams, hun~"

Arthur could feel the Demons hot breath at the back of his neck as he melted into Alfred's arms.Alfred noticed this and let go of Arthur, taking a few steps back and smirking. The Brit stumbled backwards, almost falling on his plush rump.

"Hey! You freaking mouldy cunt! I could have fell!"

"And...? I'm sure your ass has enough padding in it so you wouldn't have felt a thing."

"What... The actual frick? What is that suppose to mean?!" Arthur turned to face Alfred, giving him a warning glare.

"Hey. Nothing. I'm just saying that any normal person with a small ass would probably hurt themselves falling on the ground." Alfred lifted his hands up defensively, but still he couldn't remove the smirk from his lips.

"What- why the fuck are you even talking about my ass- no why the fuck were you even /looking/ at my ass in the first place!?" Arthur barked, face turning bright red.

"Hey! It's like there in front of me. You don't expect me to look at the fucking nest at the back of your head or the wall which is eye level with me because you're like a good foot smaller than me. "

"Okay! I'm pretty sure a foot is an over exaggeration. My hair is not a fucking 'nest'. And yes , you can look at the wall. It would be way less creepier than looking at your friends ass."

Alfred sighed and pouted, getting down on one knee and looking up at Arthur pleadingly. The corner of his lips still turned up slightly. "Arthur Kirkland. I, Alfred Alison Mary Jones, apologise for noticing cough and admiring cough that fine ass. If the moody Brit would kindly accept my humble apologises, I would be a happy camper."

Arthur couldn't help but laugh. "Your name is 'Alfred Alison Mary Jones?!'"

"Oh hell no. I added that for a dramatic effect." Alfred winked.

Arthur let out a fake sigh and crossed his arms. "Well, I suppose, since that apology was so proper and formal, I should accept it. Even if your name does not contain 'Alison' or 'Mary'. And even though camping has little to nothing to do with the current situation. I, Arthur Amy Caroline Kirkland, accept your apology."

"Your names 'Arthur Amy Caroline Kirkland?!'" Alfred grinned and laughed.

Arthur raised a finger, looking down at Alfred and smirking. "Dramatic effect." The Brit winked.

Alfred stood up and hugged the Brit for a significantly shorter length of time compared to the previous hug. Arthur embraced the hug, smiling As he tried to hug the taller, bulkier man in front of him.

Alfred released Arthur from the nohomo hug and smiled down at him. "Well, that hug was shorter."

"Okay I can't tell if you mean it was shorter in time or if you're making short jokes about me."

"Hmm... A bit of both."

Arthur gave Alfred the middle finger but smirked. Alfred grinned and shrugged, walking back to the bathroom to put his blood stained shirt back on.

"You can't possibly wear that. Especially not out in public." Arthur said, eyeing the Demon up.

"Well I haven't got anything else." Alfred shrugged.

"You could borrow one of my shirts, you know?"

"Sorry to break it to you but I think my body is a just a tad bit bigger than yours and wouldn't be able to squeeze itself into one of your tops, even if it is about three sizes too big, like half the tops you have. And the other half are skin tight on you that they'd probably wouldn't be able to cover my man boobs."

"Okay... I am concerned about a number of things in that statement but I'm choosing not to question them. However, I would like to say that you don't have man boobs."

Alfred pretended to gasp in shock. "What are you doing talking about my man boobs?! Why are you even /looking/ at them?!"

"Oh will you shoosh, idiot." Arthur couldn't help but smile slightly. "I could go out to the shop and get you a top. And maybe even a few outfits since you're too stupid to bring more than one. Where the hell did you even get the one you have now?"

Alfred smirked. "Science."


"Yes. Or magic. Same difference."

"There is a huge difference between magic and science. There's even a huge difference between magick, with a k, and science."

Alfred shrugged and laughed. "Just tryna confuse you."

"Well done. I think you've achieved that a long time ago. Anyway, I'll go and get you some clothes since you're an idiot. Just stay here and please don't be creepy while I'm gone."

"Sure thing."

Arthur left, after asking for Alfred's clothes sizes and style of clothing he liked. The Demon sat on Arthur's bed. He found himself looking at a picture of Arthur's mum on the nightstand. A face Alfred knew too well. He sighed and looked away from the photo. Alfred sighed, his head in his hands. "If only you knew just exactly who your mother was, Arthur. Heh, it would change everything."


And again, I would like to apologise for the lateness.

Also I'm trying something. Basically wrote drunk and edit sober. So I write the main plot drunk or high and edit it sober and not high. How do you think its turning out?

Also I may or may not be putting some shit in the next chapter.


Or not

You choose.

But I'm going so off my main story plan (PFFT which I made when I was 11 I have to add.)

Anyway, hope you like the story and sorry for any spelling mistakes. Its 4 am.

And thank you!!! Xxx

A Demon and His Brit. ((Demon!America x Human!England.))Where stories live. Discover now