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i had woken up around 9:15 in the morning, California time.

"Morning." Griff smiled.

"Morning." i smiled back.

"Love you." he said, before sitting up and stretching.

"love you more." i yawned.

after we got up out of our seats and had a stretch, we went to the bathroom (which was actually huge) we brushed our teeth, and got ready for the day. i brushed through my hair and put it in simple dutch braids before going to sit down and do my makeup.

"were arriving early, so were going to land at the airport in around around twenty minutes." the flight attendant smiled.

"Thank you." i smiled back before texting JJ.

lexie bear- be there in 20 love you

JJ- im like fifteen minutes away

lexie bear- eyes on the road sir

JJ- its simon ;)

lexie bear- i knew youd tag along

JJ-  of course i would i love you duh

lexie bear- i love you more!!

JJ- noooo

lexie bear- yesir also are yous taying at mine and griffens tonight?

JJ- sure

lexie bear- YEEEESSSSS

JJ- hahahah

lexie bear- gotta finish my makeup but ill see you soon love you

JJ- love you too ❤️


"We're landing in like ten minutes." i told griffin as he came back from the bathroom

"sweet." he laughed, sitting down next to me.

"you should let me do your makeup." he smirked.

"never." i laughed imagining the outcome.

"at least let me do one thing?" he begged with his cute puppy eyes.

"fine." i smiled, giving in.

"you can do my highlighter." i smiled.

"Okay just talk me through it." he said, causing me to smile even more.

i quickly did all of my makeup except for my highlighter and lipstick.

"Okay take this brush." i smiled, as he did so.

"Now tap it in the highlighter." i said as he tapped it once.

i laughed lightly before having him do it a couple more times.

"Now just brush it here." I said moving the brush towards my face.

once he finished i had him do my nose and inner corners, with a smaller brush.

"did i do good?" he asked.

"lemme look." i smiled before looking in my mirror.

"woah." i smiled.

"is it that bad?" he laughed.


"Im pissed because it looks better than when i do it." i laughed.

"Oh the lies." he smiled.

"Why would i lie dummy." i laughed, before putting on some lip gloss, and packing everything back up since we were landing.


"JJ!" i grinned, wrapping my arms around his neck, as he wrapped his around my waist.

"I missed you." he whispered hugging me a bit tighter.

"I missed you more." I smiled as we pulled apart.

"Simon!" i smiled widely, pulling him into a hug.

"Hey Lex." he grinned.

"I missed youuuu." i said, dragging out the word 'you'

"i missed you too." he laughed


we got all of our stuff loaded into JJ's car before we started driving. Ethan's place is only about fifteen minutes from the airport, and the ours is like twenty five or so from his house.

the entire way to Ethan's we played all of my disney songs and made fun of me.

"IMAGINE FUCKING JAKE PAUL, LIKE WHO WAS I?" I screamed, over the music, causing everyone to actually die laughing.

"Imagine even thinking about dating Jake Pussy Paul. Like what was wrong with you?" Griffin laughed.

"JJ? when you gonna beat his ass?" Simon laughed.

"Fucking after Gib fucks his ass up." He yelled, all hype and shit.

we all continued to laugh and make jokes until we eventually got to Ethans apartment complex.

"here we go." JJ smiled, before we all got out of the car, and went up to his floor.

we got into the lift and clicked button number '4'

once we got out we went to room 27, and tried to open the door so we could surprise him.

the door was locked so, Simon used his copy of the key to open it.

we all walked in and looked around and couldn't find him so i just assumed he was asleep.

"I can just come back later its fi-" i said before hearing his voice from the other room.

Simon walked over to the room and looked back at me with fear in his eyes.

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