Chapter 1: If I Had Known.

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Chapter 1: If I had known.


I could feel Raffe's furious gaze on me the moment he entered the living room with an ice pack in his hand so I could put it on my face. It was more than I deserved, that's for sure.

"What the hell, Logan?" he said. "With all the women in the city, you had to sleep with a married one, and not just any married woman, she's Richie's new wife and if that was not enough you also got into a fight."

I grunted in pain when he threw the ice pack at me.

"In all honesty, big bro, the fight was not my fault at all in fact I did not throw the first punch, I just defended myself and also I had no idea she was Richie's new wife," I said. "If I had known, I would not have..."

"Oh, really? You really would not have slept with her?" he interrupted. "I want you far away from the Adler's, Logan.''

"Well technically I did not sleep with her, she just gave me head," I defended myself. "She really wanted it and who was I to say no."

He said nothing, he just stood there looking at me, arms crossed over his broad chest. After several seconds, he sighed and shook his head as he walked away from me.

Raffe was the oldest of the Phoenix boys, with 33 years of age he was the most mature and reasonable one, but when he got angry, he could be the most frightening son of a bitch.

Yes, I knew I was a pain in his ass but damn I never went looking for trouble, it almost seemed like the other way around, trouble looked for me and always found me. Removing the ice pack from my face I left it on the table and went up to my room. I needed a shower and sleep. It was two in the morning already and knowing Raffe he would make me get up early just to mess with me.

I understood why my older brother wanted me far away from the Adler's, after all we were the Phoenix boys. Orphans, criminals, nasty attitude and an even nastier mouth. Brothers by choice and not blood.

I was about to reach my room when I saw my other older brother, Jordan, who let out a whistle when he saw the bruise on my face.

"Very cute, little bro."

"Go to hell, you idiot," I growled.

His laugh followed me all the way to my room.

"Jordan you will go with Stella to do grocery shopping, Bastian you will help me with some stuff at the club, Alex you will stay home and study," Raffe informed us during breakfast. "And, Logan will take care of cleaning all the windows at the club every day for a week."

What the fuck? It was only seven in the morning, that son of a bitch.

"The windows don't need to be cleaned every day, you're being a fucking..."

"One week, Logan," he said. "Or do you want me to make you do it for two weeks?"

I was about to protest again when my little sister's chuckle stopped me.

"Oh, come on Rae, don't be so harsh on him," she said, putting an arm around our brother's waist.

Raffe simply kissed her forehead.

"Everyone go do what I told you."

I snorted, most of the time I loved my brothers, but at times like this all I wanted to do was kick their asses. I finished my breakfast and then took some pills to help with the headache from the hangover. An hour later I took my motorcycle keys and headed to my brother's club.

Shit Raffe, I thought.

Logan: How the hell do u clean the windows?

Logan: Finding Love (Phoenix Boys #1)Where stories live. Discover now