What is

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What is trauma?
What is stress?
What is pain?
What is coping?
What is healing?
What is?

I can breifly answer in one word. Humanity. Everyone goes through shit they dont want to talk about, or bring themselves to. Its not the same for everyone. Some people, have it all. Both loving parents, support, food on the table. That doesnt mean their problems are less significant. Or less problamatic/traumatic.

I struggle with that. Somedays i think only i understand my pain or stress and its just not true.

I dont think people truly heal..myself included. I dont think i cope properly, handle things correctly.

Im not about to spill a life story. Im about to spill a theory, a complex idea thats been om my mind.

I want more than anything to spill all my issues. I want more than anything for someone to ask me. The funny thing is thats not simple. I cant put most of my experiences into words only thoughtless half assed explanations. They dont even make sense and get the whole point across. Not only are explanations and englishing hard for my american self- but finding the emotions I have and explaining it is complicated, a struggle. I want to tell someone, but ill hate the idea of doing so for the mere fact I haven't before.

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