Back at Auradon

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In the limo going back to Auradon*

Evie:Ughhh let go of me

Mal:no you are coming with us

Evie:No I don't want to go back with you guys to Auradon with "all you perfect people,princesses,princes,queens, and king" live

Mal: well too bad

She shoves her in the limo and ties her up*

Going to Auradon*

Evie:Let me go I have to go back to my crew and friends

Mal:Evie we are your crew and friends

Evie: no you are just lying to me my crew and friends are Uma, Harry, and Gil I don't even know who you are.

Mal:well you'll learn in Auradon

*is put under spell*

Mal:Guys you have to help me get her to my dorm

Ben:I'm really sorry
that things didn't go
the way you wanted them to.

Mal:I mean, as long as
you're safe, that's...

Ben:Well, I mean, at least
I got to see the Isle.
They're my people, too.
Uma helped me see that.

Mal:Ben, Uma captured you and your own sister and you are calm about it?
She's an angry girl
with a bad plan.

Ben:That's not so different
from you when you came
to Auradon, Mal.

Carlos:Dude, I know you can talk,
but it doesn't always
mean you should.

Jay:Why don't you
stop by practice later.

Lonnie:What, in the mood
to break some rules?


They arrive at Auradon*

Lonnie:I'll get these
back to the gym.

See you later.

Mal, Ben, Carlos, and Jay go to Mal's dorm*

Mal:Ok let me find a spell From being good to being bad please come back.(horrible spell I made ok)

The Evie wakes up and looks around*

Evie:What happened

Mal:um well we were on the isle.


Mal:after you and your brother got kidnapped by Uma's gang you were put under a spell and fought against us

Evie:Omg I am so sorry and pardon me did you say Uma's gang as in Uma, Harry Hook, and Gil


Evie:Well then maybe Harry planned this out cause earlier before that I remember going to Dizzy's shop and then he came in when I was done.Then I called him out and then said Uma is going to like this something like that then the last thing I remember is just being spelled.which would also explain these clothes

Mal:oh good thing they didn't make you do any thing bad before they got you and I love your hair

Evie:Gosh I love yours
Lets go with the gang.

Mal is still mad at Ben*

Jane:Ben, there you are.
Cotillion's tonight.
Come here.
Look, this is the stained
glass window for Mal.
Isn't it beautiful?
She's gonna love it.
Do you want to cancel?
Um, you know what?
I can come back.
-Uh, but, like,
really, really soon.

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