Jordy and Y/N had started dating for a few months, but he felt something was weird with her whenever she would fidget with her phone after he enters a room but shook his thoughts away as he didn't think she'd cheat on him. It wasn't till the next couple of days that Y/N had left her phone behind after claiming she had to leave so he decided to snoop onto her phone, the curiousity overwhelmed him, so he unlocked it with the password she had set for it.
There were a few texts about her talking of how much she loves Jordy and she couldn't do this to him which confused him yet he was afraid to keep looking but did it anyway to figure out more and it turns out it was her exboyfriend who was threatening to ruin her relationship with Jordy if she didn't dump him to go back to him which angered him to the core as nobody threatens his baby girl and gets away with it.
Jordy decided to track down where Y/N lives and decided to knock on the door in hopes to see her exboyfriend standing there as he was getting ready to fight him. As the door opened, this tall it as he spoke "Who the fu-" Jordy's fist collided with his face hard enough to knock him onto his ass as he spoke, "Nobody messes with my girl, NOBODY." He spat where the guy laid before pulling Y/N close to him as he took them back to the car, leaving the guy laying there in his puddle of drool as he drove off back to their place to comfort Y/N more.
~Kinda short sorry~