Chapter 32

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Here's an update, it's short but I needed it to stop here for the next part.  The next part will be up shortly.  I'll throw out the same incentive for an early update, 120 votes and 50 comments.  This was actually another hard part to write, I wrote it at least half a dozen times.  I hope you guys like it!  I haven't edited yet, love you guys, enjoy!!! <3


Chapter 32

I really didn’t like the sound of that, but I sat beside Trent.  Trent sighed as he ran his hand through his hair then scrubbed his face.  “Shit, well, I guess that the place to start is at the beginning.”

I nodded.

With another heavy sigh Trent started telling me about his past.  “I was seventeen when I met Caroline.  I was a junior in high school.  I don’t think I’ll ever forget the day I met her.”

I had to try twice to swallow the lump in my throat.  Trent leaned back against the head board and spread his arms and legs.  I settled with my back pressed against his chest and his arms wrapped around me.  

“I was a junior in high school.  Her father, Glenn Hasting, is a decorated veteran.  While he was in the military they traveled a lot and lived mostly in Europe.  After he retired, he went into the private sector working with developing military and weapons and software.  The military bought several of his patents for about seven figures.  He’s brilliant.  Caroline, being a military kid was used to moving around a lot, she was great at making friends.  She wasn’t looking for validation from us to prove who she was.  That’s probably why she made friends so easily.  She was completely herself and didn’t care what you thought about her.  She was just her real self, and her real self was nice.  She was considerate and genuinely asked others opinions and feelings and wanted to include everyone.  

“I was in first period history with Mr. Whiting when she came in.  I was in the back of the room, being the usual jackass I was back then.  I always had some smartass remark or other rude comeback ready and waiting.  I was far from a teacher’s pet.  The dean and I were on a first name basis.  I was always in trouble, lucky for me, I was also the best running back that school has probably ever seen and a co-captain.  She walked in about fifteen minutes later and it was like the air had been knocked out of me.  She had this gorgeous wavy blonde hair that went about halfway down her back, these great tanned legs that went on forever, and she was just gorgeous, especially when she smiled.  I had to know who she was.  She introduced herself then sat in an empty desk at the front of the room.  As soon as the class ball rang I was next to her, and so was every other guy in class it seemed.  I offered to show her around and she turned me down flat.  Polite as can be, sweet as anything I’d ever seen, but it was a flat out no.

“I’ve never been the sort to take no as an answer just like that.  I went from Trent Ralston, the captain of the football and basketball team, ladies man extraordinaire to the puppy who followed this girl around.  It took me six months of actually pursuit to earn a date, and even then, I think it was because she was took polite to tell me no with an audience.  I asked her to go to prom with me.  I put a bunch of my buddies up to it, and made a complete fool of myself.  All for this girl who drove me insane. 

“I spared no expense.  My shirt matched her dress, I brought her a corsage, limo ride to a fancy restaurant, pictures, the whole nine yards.  I really just wanted to impress her.  We had fun at prom and I got a good night kiss on the cheek.  Can you imagine how deflated I was?  I understood, she told me she wouldn’t kiss on the first date.  

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