26. Labor/ Delivery- Shawn 💖

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My due date is just a couple of days off so our baby could come anytime now. Shawn and I are so so excited to be parents to our little boy or girl. We can't wait to find out if we have a son or a daughter. Either we would be so happy with of course. Our baby is a blessing. We are playing the waiting game now and just want the time to come and our baby to be born. It's morning and Shawn and I have just had breakfast. I didn't really feel like wading much so I just stuck to cereal which was enough for me. I help Shawn take the things into the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. When I bend down to put something in, I feel a twinge in my stomach. "Are you okay, babe?" Shawn asks looking concerned. "Yeah I'm fine" I say. A few minutes later it comes back again. "Baby, you're really not okay. I can tell you're not" he said. "Shawn, I might be having contractions" I say touching my bump. "Don't panic, my love. I'll sit you down and I'll time your contractions. That's what the midwife told me to do" Shawn said. I sit on the couch and Shawn sits next to me. A while later and my contractions were more frequently. Only a few minutes apart. "I'm gonna grab the things before we head up to the hospital. We should get there fairly quick" Shawn said. "Alright, Shawnie" I reply. Shawn goes upstairs to get our things. He takes a few minutes and in the meantime, my waters break as I'm sat on the couch. "Shit" I yell. "What's up? I'm here. Sorry for taking so long" he said. "My waters broke, Shawn and all over the couch too. Ohhh I've ruined it" I cry. "Honey, Don't worry it's okay. I'll just dry it with a towel" Shawn said. He grabs a towel and wipes the couch. It's a good job it's leather. Shawn then gets me in the car and we drive to the hospital. The contractions weren't really painful at first but they got more painful as we got closer to the hospital

We got to the hospital pretty soon which is just as well as I was in labor and the contractions were getting worse. "We're here, honey" Shawn said as we pulled up. "Good" I reply. He helps me out of the car and I lean on him and he helps me in. "My wife. She is in labor. Y/ N Mendes" Shawn said to the receptionist. "Oh yes. Someone will be with you soon" the woman said. "Thanks" Shawn replies. We take a seat at the side until someone came for us. "Hope they are quick" I say. "Yeah hopefully they will be. Don't panic I'm here with you, babe" he said. I give a little smile. We had to wait about 30 minutes before we were seen. I get into a hospital gown and the midwife examines me. "You are 4 centimetres dilated. It could still be sometime but we will keep coming to check you regularly" the midwife said. "Okay that's great" I reply. Shawn sits beside me and smiles. "Hopefully not long now, my love. Our beautiful baby will be here soon" he said. "Shawn, I hope it's not like 12 hours" I say. He smiles and kisses my hand. The midwives kept on checking me. By four hours I was 7 centimetres dilated so only three to go. Shawn and I had something to eat and drink while we were waiting. He didn't want to leave my side. He was constantly holding onto my hand. Awwww he's so sweet. Sometime later and I was fully dilated and ready to push. Shawn gripped onto my hand so tight and I was gripping onto him so tight to. "Darling, you're doing so well" he said. I carry on pushing. "Not long now, Y/ N. You're doing so well" the midwife said. "Our baby is nearly here" Shawn said. A few more pushes and our baby was born. "Well done, Y/ N. You have a beautiful baby girl" the midwife said. "Yesss we have a daughter" Shawn beams. "We do" I smile back. We have a daughter and she is beautiful. She has conceived just after Christmas too. Sophie Rose Mendes

As soon as our newborn baby girl was born, Shawn and I got to hold her. The midwives cleaned her off and wrapped her in a towel and handed her to me for skin to skin contact. "She's just beautiful, Y/ N. We've been blessed" Shawn said. "We certainly have. She's gorgeous, Shawn. I can't take my eyes off her" I reply. "Gorgeous just like her mommy" he said. I smile. "Welcome to the world, Sophie Rose Mendes. Can daddy hold you?" Shawn said. "Yes of course he can" I say. I have Sophie to Shawn so he can hold her for the first time. "Hey, sweetie. I'm your daddy and I can't believe you're finally here" he said. He looks at her and I do too. "Shawn, you're an amazing daddy already. You're such a natural" I say. "Thanks. You're an amazing mommy already too. I can't believe we have a daughter, Y/ N. I've always wanted a little princess to spoil" he said. "Well you can spoil her now" I say. "I can. I have the two most beautiful girls in the world right next to me" Shawn said. He bends down and kisses Sophie on her head. Shawn and I are finally parents to our beautiful baby girl Sophie. We can't believe she's here safe and sound. Life is so amazing right now

Sophie Rose Mendes 💗Born September 25th @ 8:33pmWeight 7lbs 5oz

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Sophie Rose Mendes 💗
Born September 25th @ 8:33pm
Weight 7lbs 5oz

A/ N: it's a girl 💗 The first baby is here and she's beautiful. Hope you are happy with Shawn's baby being a girl. I really wanted to use the name Sophie as it's my favourite for a girl. My future daughters name will be Sophie. I love the name

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