37. First Bath

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Shawn 💖

Shawn and I are about to give Sophie her first bath this evening. She is over two weeks old now so her umbilical cord stump has come off. We remember how to bathe a baby from our online prenatal classes even though we actually didn't do it. We listened and kinda took in how to do it. We are bathing Sophie in the kitchen tonight in the baby bath we got her. Shawn runs the tap until it's warm and then he fills the baby bath. I'm getting Sophie stripped off and ready for her bath. I take off her clothes and her diaper too. "Is our baby girl all ready for her bath?" Shawn asks. "Yes she is" I reply. "Can I lift her in?" he asks. "Yes sure you can" I reply. Shawn picks up Sophie with his strong arms and places her in the bath tub. I splash a little bit of water on her to get her used to the temperature. "Are you enjoying that, Soph? Eh" Shawn said. "Yep I think she is" I reply. I wash Sophie gently with a soft sponge and some baby lotion. We bathe her for a few more minutes and then wrap her in a nice warm fluffy towel and try her before putting a clean diaper on her and her pjs. "So that was your first bath, little lady? How was it?" Shawn said. "I think she's telling daddy that she really enjoyed it" I reply. So Sophie's first bath went really well today. We will give her another one in the next few days

Harvey 💙

We are about to give Aiden his first bath are Harvey and I. We are looking forward to giving our little man his first ever bath. We hope he'll like it. We got a baby bath for him to make it easier to bathe him. We are doing it in the kitchen on a level surface. We get everything we need for Aiden's bath gathered in the kitchen. It's not that long since I fed him so I hope he doesn't throw up while we are bathing him. We run the water warm. It needs to be warm but not hot of course. "Is this okay, babe? Tell me" Harvey said. "Just a second" I reply. I go over and test the water with my elbow. "A little hot. I'll just run a bit of cold in" I say. "Oh okay" he said. A few minutes later the bath was ready and we lifted Aiden in and got him used to the temperature of the water. He starts crying and fussing about halfway through the bath. "It's okay, boy. That's probably enough now" Harvey said. He lifts him out and wraps him in a towel. "It's okay, Aiden. Don't worry. Mummy and daddy are here" I say. We calmed him down and then lifted him in the bath again for one more try. "Is it better this time?" Harvey said. "Yeah I think it is" I reply. We bathe and wash him for a few more minutes. Luckily he wasn't sick but he didn't really like his first bath. That's okay though. We attempted to give Aiden his first bath

Niall 💚

This afternoon we are going to give the babies their first bath. We know it's going to be hectic bathing three babies. We are obviously not doing it at the same time. There's three of us as Maura is still here for a couple more days. We have decided to bathe one baby at a time so we can concentrate on one of them at a time. Anyway we are in the kitchen getting ready for the babies bath. Maura is filling the bath with warm water for the first bath. We are doing Cora first as she's the only girl. The boys will be done after. When Maura has filled the bath, Niall places Cora in the bath. "Ladies first, my princess" he said. "Yes certainly" I reply. We bathe Cora for a few minutes later and she likes it. We then wrap her in a towel and Niall dries her and gets her dressed. Maura fills the bath for Cillian's bath next and I get him undressed and ready for it. A few minutes later I get Cillian in the bath and start bathing him. He likes it but I don't think he likes it as much as Cora did. She was a happy little girl while she was getting bathed. Cillian had his bath and then last but not least it was our eldest little leprechaun Cian. We do the same and bathe him and he enjoys it. All three babies were bathed successfully for the first time. Niall and I know what to do when it's just us

Ruel 💜

Now that George is a couple of weeks old, we can give him his first bath and we can't wait to. Kate and Ralph are helping us of course as we've never bathed an infant before and we want to make sure we are doing it right as we don't want to hurt George. We get everything together in the bathroom and start filling the baby bath. Kate brings in George's clothes and towels for after his bath. The bath was filled and the water was at the right temperature. Kate lifts George into the bath and me and Ruel start washing him. George kinda flinches a bit but Kate kept holding onto him. Ruel took over by holding him in a few minutes. "Hey, little man. Daddy is here" he said. We carry on bathing George till he had enough. Ruel lifts him out and we wrap him in a towel and dry him off. I then put a clean nappy on him and then his pjs. "There we go. All done" Kate says. "You just had your first bath, Georgie" Ruel said. So we just gave George his first bath and he enjoyed it. Can't wait to give him another one in the next few days

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