43. He Babysits While You're Out

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Shawn 💖

Tonight I'm going out with sone friends and leaving Shawn to babysit Sophie tonight. I 100% trust him with her of course. He's the best father in the world and he's great with our little girl. The best in fact. I'm looking forward to going out with my friends tonight. They are picking me up soon. I am in the bathroom getting ready and Shawn is downstairs with Sophie. I have pumped enough milk earlier for him to feed her. I have almost finished doing my hair and makeup. I have my outfit laid out for tonight. I'm wearing ripped jeans with a nice top and leather jacket. I get dressed and style my hair before I'm good up go. I go downstairs and Shawn is sweetly cuddling little Sophie on his lap. "Hey. You two adorable ones" I say. "Hey, honey. Are you off?" he said. "Yes I am. They are here to pick me now" I reply. "Okay have so much fun, babe. You deserve it. Me and Soph will be just fine here" Shawn said. "Yep I'll call you when I'm on my way home" I reply. "Be as long as you want, darling" he smiles. "I will but I won't be too late" I reply. I give Shawn and Sophie a kiss before I leave. My friends were there waiting for me and we arrived at the bar soon. I kept texting Shawn and checking up to see how things were going and it was going good. I had a great time with my friends tonight and Shawn and Sophie were just fine at home. He said he'd babysit anytime when I want to go out again

Harvey 💙


Y/ N is out on a night out with her friends. I'm at home looking after Aiden. I would go with her but no one was available to look after him. I can't really complain as I love spending time with my boy. There's nothing like father, son time with my son. Y/ N has been gone about an hour or so. She might be back in the next couple of hours if she's not too drunk. I don't think she will be. Haha. Aiden and I are sitting on the couch together having some father, son time together while Y/ N is out. "Is it good to spend time with daddy, son?" I say. Aiden kinda looks at me even though he's not focusing yet. "Hey, you're looking at daddy? Well kinda. You're so cute. You're adorable" I say. Y/ N texts me to check up and I tell her that everything's fine. She said she won't be long. Me and Aiden carry on chilling and hanging out together until Y/ N gets back. We fall asleep on the sofa together. The door opens and it startles me. "Hey. I'm back" Y/ N said. "You're back" I yawn. "Awe my boys have fallen asleep together" she said. "Yeah we did" I say. "Awww. Best get you two to bed" she said. "Nah I'm fine but I think this little guy needs to go" I say. I kiss Y/ N and then we get Aiden go bed. It was great babysitting my boy tonight

Niall 💚

I'm going out for the first time tonight since having the triplets. I'm going out with my sister and cousins for the night. Niall and my mum are looking after the babies at bond while I'm out. I don't really want to leave them but Niall said it will do me good to have sometime away. I am leaving soon and am looking forward to going out tonight. I haven't seen my cousins in a while. My mum is running a bit late but she'll be here soon to help Niall look after the babies. When I'm ready I grab my stuff and go downstairs where Niall is with Cian, Cillian and Cora. I think they are all asleep. I quietly go into the lounge so I don't disturb them. "Hey. I'm going on a minute. My mum will be here soon" I say sitting next to Niall on the couch. "Okay that's great. They're all sleeping now so all is good" Niall said. "Great. I'll text you when I'm on my way home" I say kissing him. I blow the babies a kiss too. My mum arrives just as I was leading funnily enough. I go to the bar and meet my sisters and cousins there for a meal. I ordered burgers with fries as I haven't had one for ages and I also had a gin and tonic too. It was so good. I've missed going out but I miss Niall and the babies at home. I had a great time out tonight but it was even greater to get back home to my beloveds after. Niall and my mum did a great job with Cian, Cillian and Cora tonight

Ruel 💜

I am out at the mall shopping with my friends. I haven't been away from Ruel or George since I gave birth. I miss them terribly but they are at home with Ruel's parents while I go out with my friends. I've been out for a couple of hours now and I'm having a great time. I'll be heading back in about the next hour or so. I've bought a few things for myself and also for George too. "How are your boys doing?" one of my friends asks. "Yep they are doing really good" I smile. I shop for a bit longer with my friends before heading home. Kate picked me up as I don't have a car yet. "Hi. I seen you've got a lot" she said as I get in the car. "Yes I did" I reply. "Well Great. It's about time you treated yourself" Kate said. I smile. We arrived home soon to Ruel and George. "Hey. Mamma is home" I say. "Hey, babe. Did you have fun?" Ruel said. "Yes I did but I missed my two favourite boys in the world" I reply. "We missed you too. So what did you get?" He said. "Some things for me and maybe one or two things for Georgie" I reply. "Ohhhh alright then. Nothing for me" he said. "No sadly not. Sorry, love" I say. "It's alright as long as you had a great time it doesn't matter" Ruel said rubbing our noses together. He kissed me too and then handed George to me. "Look, Georgie. Mummy's home" he said. I had a great shopping day with my friends today but it was great to get back to my boys this afternoon

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