Chapter 11

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"He's getting surgery so soon?" Mr. Cunningham and I were in the chorus room after class had ended. I really needed a conversation, especially finding out about James. George was waiting for me outside, we were going to the hospital right after.

"I know, and I still haven't talked to my mom," I lamented. "I'm really scared, I don't want to lose him."

Mr. Cunningham took a deep breath, then sat down next to me. "Listen, Max," he began. "You've been doing amazing so far. You came to the winter concert while he was in the hospital, even though I told you you didn't have to."

"That was one concert," I sighed.

"The fact that you're here right now is pretty amazing, though. I thought you'd go see James."

"I'm going to, I just needed to talk." I stood up, brushing my hair out of my face. "When the surgery comes, I want to be ready for it."

Mr. Cunningham looked me in the eye, then began to speak. "I know you want to be ready, I do. But there's no way you'll be prepared when he goes into that operation." I nodded. "The best you can do is make sure he's okay when he goes in there. Go visit him, we can talk over emails."

"Thank you," I answered, nodding. I took my bag and left the room, waving goodbye. George took my hand and looked me in the eye. "I'm ready, George," I told him. "Let's go see my brother."

Throughout the week, I kept visiting James in the hospital. He talked me through the procedure he was getting, and then we updated each other on our lives. He seemed to get better every day, which just made me feel worse.

The day of the surgery came faster than I wanted it to, and I finally had to face Mom. She didn't say anything to me when I walked into the hospital room. Everyone was standing around the bed, and they all looked like they were about to cry.

"Alright, James," Doctor Parker began as he approached James's bed. "You almost ready?"

"Just a minute." James looked at everyone around him, tears in his eyes. "I want to say a few words to my friends."

"I'll give you a minute," Mom quivered, leaving the room.

"I love all of you," he began. "And I just want you to know that whatever happens, that

won't change." He paused, clearing his throat. "Rich and George, and my beautiful Lana, you guys have taught me so much about love, and I'll always remember how good it feels."

"I love you, Jamie," Lana sobbed.

"Jillian and Bex, you both are so incredibly kind, and I'll miss seeing your faces every day." He took a deep breath, starting to cry harder. "Sidney, you're like a big brother to me. You taught me so much, and you've always been there for me and Max."

"You're the best brother I could ask for," Sidney replied, his voice shaking.

"I love you, man. Don't be afraid, okay?" He nodded, putting his hand on James's shoulder. "That brings me to Max."

"Jamie, you're gonna make me cry." I laughed, but it was a pained laugh.

"You're so brave, Max, braver than me. You're becoming such an incredible man." James sniffled. "I know I messed up on Christmas, and I'm so incredibly sorry. Please, this is my last request to you, make it up to Mom. Give her a chance to hear your story for me." He started sobbing, and I did too. "C'mere, man."

Slowly, I approached the bedside and sat on the edge. Abruptly, James pulled me close to him and let me cry on his shoulder. We hugged each other for a moment, telling each other we loved each other.

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