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Our caseworker allowed for the kids to move in as soon as we had their rooms done, despite the fact our meeting with the judge wasn't for another few days.

We bought two twin sized beds for the girls with bedding that was appropriate for an eight year, Sylvia, and a six year old, Cera. For the boys, Seán found the perfect sized beds that were suitable for toddlers, but could be turned into a bed for kids up to age five. I worked on the girls' rooms, hanging a large S and C on their respective doors.

"BABE!" Seán called for me. "Come look!" I set down my paint can and followed his voice. When I walked in, I saw a gaming themed bedroom set up for both rooms.

"Holy shit.." I said. "I was not expecting that.."

"I'll take that as a 'Good job, babe!' Right?" He chuckled. I nodded, and he asked how the girls' rooms were going.

"I think I've got the whole theme set up... but I just don't know if some of these ideas would be too young," I showed him some pictures.

"They're kids who grew up around gaming... art... music..." Seán said, his hand under his chin. "Sylvia is a very musical little girl.. and Cera... she loves to paint." My eyes widened. "You have an idea, don't you?" I nodded. Since the boys' rooms were already done, Seán ran to buy a few things to add to the girls' rooms. I stayed behind to finish painting, and when he got back, he had a cheesy smile on his face.


"What?" I asked reluctantly.

"Sylvie's gonna love this!" He carried in a box. "She started lessons when she was four, and the night of our wedding, she said she really missed having jam sessions.."

"That means your drum set's gonna make its reappearance, doesn't it? I smiled as he nodded violently. He set up Sylvia's piano, whilst I finished up Cera's art studio. We took one last look at all four rooms when the paint had dried and everything was placed.

"They're going to love it.." Seán smiled, hugging me from behind, despite not being able to see as well. "I knew you'd be a great mommy." I blushed, thinking about our wedding night and honeymoon, as I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was still too early to get anyone's hopes up, so I wanted to wait another week or two before saying anything to anyone.


Later that night, Seán and I cuddled up together with BB laying across both our laps and watched some television. Seán got up to use the bathroom, and as he was in there, I remembered something.

"Babe?" He called for me.

"He saw it.." I whispered to myself.

"Babe?" He came out of the bathroom with a smile on his face. He held up the wrapper of a pregnancy test. "What's up?"

"I didn't want to get our hopes up," I said.

"How long ago did you take this?" He sat next to me on the couch. "I'm not mad that you didn't tell me, okay?" I nodded.

"I took it when we got home from Japan," I said. "But.. I'm feeling flutters." Seán started to tear up. "I made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow morning."

"And I am the actual father right?" He joked, making me roll my eyes.

"Of course you are," I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him. "We're gonna need a baby's room..." I cheesed.


The following morning, I drove us to see my doctor and get confirmation. Seán held my hand as the doctor performed a uterine ultrasound. On the monitor, an image of my uterus appeared, and there was a bean shaped blob.

"Right there.. you can see the uterine wall... and here's the placenta.." Doctor O'Connell said as she pointed to the image. "And if you look to the left there.... There's your baby." I started to cry as Seán kissed the top of my head. "By the size, I'd expect... Just over a month along." I looked at my husband who was wiping away his tears. "Congratulations."


Knowing I was about six weeks along meant I was expected to give birth in the fall. The following day was the adoption hearing, and Seán and I were ecstatic to be parents of four beautiful children. We decided to wait until the four were settled into their new home before telling them the news.

"I know it's only been the six of us for a few weeks now.." Seán said. "And your mother and I, I love how that sounds... Your mother and I are grateful to be here for you all..."

"And to be here..." Seán wrapped his arm around me. "For the newest addition.." I said. Sylvia and Cera exchanged looks.

"What?" Sylvia asked.

"What new addition?" Alex asked. Seán and I giggled with excitement.

"Boys..." Seán said. "You're not gonna be the youngest anymore.." The twins slowly looked at each other, then back at their father.

"Mommy's pregnant!" Cera squealed.


Fast forward, and it was the beginning of September. I kept having contractions, but they weren't close enough together to worry. I logged onto Twitch to stream a little.

"Hi everyone! A lot has happened here lately that none of you know," I smiled at my camera. "First of all.... Seán and I are happily married and have been for nine months.... and... If you've been a fan of his for a while, you would know... In his previous marriage, his first wife had four kids.... Well... We've adopted them." The chat started rolling in. "We're really happy about it."

You're glowing!

Motherhood looks amazing on you


"It's funny... you guys keep saying I'm glowing and that motherhood looks good on me..." I smiled. "Cause... I'm not just..." I groaned, having another contraction. "Sorry..." I paced my breathing until it passed, but another one started about two minutes after.

Are you okay?

Is she pregnant?


What's going on!?!?

"Seán!" I yelled. He ran into my office. "Babe..."

"Is it time?" He asked, and I nodded, then looked back at the camera.

"Well... I'm currently pregnant.." I smiled, then looked back at my husband. "Let's go have a baby."

Her Eyes Sparkle, Too ✹ SepticgabWhere stories live. Discover now