Chapter 1; Humans

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Clawess's POV.

I had finally escaped my fans, and now here I was, walking the streets. Alone.
Why you ask? If the whole streets are your fans you should have plenty of friends right? Wrong. Everyone is my fan, so when they see me they start screaming and cheering and chanting and fainting. But I don't want that. I hate crowds and I love my alone time. But I can never get that. I just want someone I can talk to without them yelling "OMG Clawess spoke to me!"

You know? Sometimes I think I should stop helping the animals around the streets, but I can't. The street cats never help anyone but their own family, if that. It's every cat for themselves out here. Cats could die if I just ignored them when they needed me.
Plus, the streets have become dependent on me now. Anyone who is in danger won't even try to help themselves. And others go being daredevils and thinking that if anything ever happened to them, I'd meracylusly appear and save the day.

I sighed sadly. I couldn't take it any more. Crowds stressed me out and I think I'm developing a fear of fans. I'm a quiet and shy cat and I despise so much attention. But I'd love if I had a friend to tell all this to.

I padded along the footpath, houses were lined up on my left and cars roared loudly the road on my right.

Suddenly, someone screamed so loud it made me jump, my hackles raised.
I turned around and spotted a young white cat. "Guys! It's Clawess! She's in front of our house!" she screeched.
My heart skipped a beat as about twenty cats came rushing out of The Cat Ladies house. I hadn't even noticed I was next to it! The cats started running towards me and without thinking, I ran. I ran as fast as I could, then looked behind me. They were catching up! I was no match for the speed of all twenty cats. I skid to the side and into a hall way that led to a humans backyard.
I had never been in a humans house before, but I couldn't stay out with them.
I ran up the porch, just as a human male walked out of his house. The cats chasing me were in the backyard, barely five metres away. I jumped towards the human as a fan tried to tackle me. The human male grabbed me in his arms and stumbled backwards into the house from the sudden weight of my body. All the other cats stopped, knowing the threat of going near a stranger human. While they hesitated, the male human closed the door.


Drake's POV.

I padded the streets of a small town. I scrunched my face in disgust as my paw landed on a chewing gum stuck to ground.
I mumbled angrily under my breath, trying to pull my paw free. "And this is why I hate towns." I growled to myself. I finally freed my paw and continued walking down the footpath. I looked from one house to the next, looking for a cat door. What's a cat door? It's the thing humans have in their doors to let their pets out. You know what disgusts me about that? That means the animal inside is purposly staying in the humans house. They have a door to leave, but they don't. I growled quietly at the thought. Beggars, disgracing the reputation of cats, that's what the Collared Cats done. And that's what I was here for, to separate them from their humans. The humans that brainwashed them since they were young. Made them believe they cared for them and loved them. But whenever they felt you were too old, or got too sick, or they were bored of you, they'd kick you out. That's not love, that's deception.
And the Collared, if they really believed the humans loved them, why do they beg and plead for food? Why don't the humans give the Collared Cats the same things they give themselves and their children? Because they for sure love themselves and most likely their children too. You'd be better off alone. But they imprison you from birth 'till death. That's why I hate Collared and Collar-ers.

I finally spotted what I was after. A cat door. I padded up the human porch and stopped at the cat door. I tapped it experimently and it didn't move. It was blocked, or maybe locked. I thought that might happen. I'd seen this a few times in this street. Normally that happened when someone got a new cat and didn't want it escaping.
But luckily, this house had a screen door you could see through if you came up really close.

I croached behind the wall and pocked my head out, looking through the screen door. I had been right. Six kittens played together inside, with at least three humans watching them. Well, five kittens anyways. One was trying to climb the leg of a chair. They were only about five weeks old. They would've only started eating hard food a week ago. They looked unnaturally groomed and clean, so I guessed they were just bought from the petstore today. I watched curiously as the tallest human leaned down and grabbed the kitten that had been trying to climb the chair.
"He's a trouble maker this one. The others I can deal with, but him, psh, he tried eating my shoes before!" he said, then put the kitten next to his siblings. His siblings ignored him and kept playing. The kitten playfully tackled the kitten closest to him and bit her ear, but she screeched painfully as he visiously dug his teeth in her skin.
"He's wild I'm telling you!" the tall human male said, and pushed him away from his sister. His siblings seemed to keep their distance from him, maybe because they didn't like him or maybe because of his visiousness. He didn't seem to try and get their attention very often. He seemed to prefer fighting nonliving objects, perhaps because he couldn't cause them any pain.
"He's born to live in the wild, and his instinct knows it." I said quietly to myself.

"What are you planning to do with him?" a female human asked. The tall male human replied with a shrug. "I'll probably drop him off on the street somewhere. Far from here. He'll either be found and taken in or get run over or eaten. Either one doesn't bother me." The tall male human said carelessly. I growled under my breath.
He loved the others because they behaved, but the one kitten that went by his instinct of a wild cat, he doesn't care about.

The kitten began to scratch at a leather cushion that was placed on the ground.
His tiny claws pierced it multiple times before the humans noticed.
"Hey! He's wrecking the cushion! Put him in the cage!" the tall male human barked and the female scooped up the kitten and locked him in a cage that was sitting beside her.
The male human huffed angrily as he put the cushion down on a nearby chair.
"He destroyed it. That things a monster. And there is no way now that I'm keeping him."

At least something useful came out of this day. I know my next victim...

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