Chapter 4

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"Do you want to stay with us?" Lily asked me as she served me a cup of tea,

I sadly smiled at her, sending her a message only she would understand,

"right," she corrected, "you don't want Remus feeling bad, but you know I think he would prefer it if you weren't in your house,"

"it's fine lily, I've dealt with it before, I'm sure I can still do it,"

She smiled as she passed me the suger, "you really do everything don't you, the perfect girlfriend. I leave the house the second James begins being annoying,"

We both laughed, "you mustn't be home often then," I joked, "but in all honesty, I don't want to leave him, even if he doesn't remember anything I'm pretty sure he stills senses it when he's alone,"

"how do you do it?" lily asked, "I mean you're not an Animagi like the boys,"

I looked around the room slowly, trying to see whether James was nearby, "Lily, I'm a seer,"

Liliy's eyes widenned, "what? No, really? Why did you never tell us,"

"My grandmother said not to, and now considering the war, it's even more important that the information doesn't get out,"

"that's kind of hilarious that you're a seer considering how much McGonagall doesn't believe in professor Tralawney's abilites,"

"mine are different, I don't prodict far into the future, at least I never have, I just see possibilities in near up coming events,"

"you mean you pretty much never lose a fight cause you always know what they're going to do,"

"yeah, pretty much,"

"So you prodict remus's mouvements?"

I nodded before taking a sip of my tea, "if ever he's to agressif I just use a sleeping spell, goes back to sleep,"

"that's still pretty dangerous, do you never worry, that, you know, he could bite you?"

"maybe but I would see it before it happens, besides Remus and I have been living together for nearly a year, I think he's kind of gotten used to it,"

"you mean wolf Remus? Viel, he's still a werewolf they attack humans that's what they do,"

"just like how, trolls are considered dumb, nifflers steal shinny objects and dragons are the most dangerous creatures to be around. Yet I've seen a troll help children, I've trained a niffler for a school project and I grew up surrounded by dragons. I'm not saying I'm invincible, but sometimes what seems impossible is possible, "

Lily narrowed her eyes, "Still we're talking about a werewolf,"

I slightly rolled my eyes, "I don't lay down on the ground in the same room as him lily, I just don't want to leave him alone in the house. Besides it allows me to keep him a minimum safe,"

"Alright maybe, but consider it, maybe you should talk to Remus about it,"

"you know that Remus will obviously want me as far away from him as possible,"

Lily looked at me sadly, "put yourself in his position, he would never forgive himself if he hurt you,"

"I know," I sighed,

"now," lily clapped her hands together, "what the hell is this story about growing up with dragons! And how on earth did you grow up with McGonagall as a grandmother without becoming an Animagi, also how did she react when you find out you were a seer?"

They Will Go Down In History (Remus x OC) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now