Chapter 54

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"Lily, we're leaving," I came storming down the stairs,

"what but-"

"Now!" I demanded, which allowed her to understand the importance of my words,

"What happened?" she followed quickly behind me as I exited the front door, "Viel what happened?"

I didn't stop and I didn't answer her, I walked at least a good mile away from the house before I even thought of stopping, my heart still beating out of my cheamst to the point that it physically hurt.

"I broke up with Remus," I finally managed to build up the courage to admit the truth, the new reality.

"What? You- but why?"

"Lily how I am supposed to stay with someone who doesn't want kids when I desperately want that? That's without mentioning-" I paused maybe it was best I didn't say this,

"mentioning what? Is there something else?"

"Nevermind, it's not that important,"

"Viel what's going on? Seriously you're worrying me,"

"he's aggressive Lily, I mean more than ever before, he punched the wall when I broke up with him,"

"Well he was upset, I mean,"

"no, you don't get it!" I cried, "he can get so aggressive, he's never hit me but when things don't go his way," shivers went down my spine, "I never realized it until now, until putting some space between us. I think I just gradually got used to it, but it's not normal,"

"Alright, calm down it's Remus we're talking about here,"

"What's that suppose to mean? That because he's so calm and kind normally I must be lying?"

"no! I mean that if he's like this than maybe there's something wrong, maybe he's not--maybe we shouldn't talk about it," she judged it would be better to change the subject, clearly the thought of one of her friends being unstable frightened her.

After all, none of them were around Remus as much as before. They haven't really seen how much he's changed since we've left hogwarts because aren't around him every second of the day. But than again neither was I anymore.

"Hello dear," a small bell just above the shops door rang a small, soothing sound as the rusty door creaked open, "can I help you?" a shadow shifted in the back of the shop as an old man wombled to the front of the shop.

"Hi? Umm," I had never been here before, I was unfamiliar with the small dusty shop, "I'm in need of a wand, I kind of broke mine,"

"Ah Lily!" smiled the old man as he saw her enter through the brown  rusty door, "it's good to see you dear, are you also in need of a wand?"

"oh no," Lily corrected, little waving her hand, "I'm just accompanying Viel here,"

"Glad to hear so," he waved his finger up in the air before stepping down from the counter to level with lily, "as much as it is pleasant to see you I would prefer you not break that wand,"

What a strange old man, I thought to myself it was almost as if there was a spark of some sorts that twinkled in his eyes. I just couldn't figure out why.

"So," he clapped his hands together before turning away from lily to face me, "did you keep your wand? Many we could fix it?"

"No," I bluntly said but as the two continued to stare at me I felt forced to elaborate, "it's still somewhere deep inside a forest, I didn't bother picking it up because it was sort of, snapped into several pieces, by a death eater who was chasing me at the time,"

"in that case," the old man made his way back to the counter, "you're lucky it was just your wand the was snapped,"

"I guess," what a wonderful unsettling thought,

"do you remember what your old wand was made out of? it could help me find your new one,"

"actually, it wasn't mine,"

"won over by the old owner?" he raised an eyebrow,

"more like gifted, Mr. Ollivander," Lily tried to help,

"no, more like passed on," I corrected, "my brother's he passed away just before I started school,"

"before school you say?" Mr. Ollivander lend over the counter, "so you've never owned a wand of your own, interesting, very,"

"is it?"

"yes yes, it most likely means," he paused a second, "you've never bonded with a wand, you've never experienced your full potential,"

Potential? Could I possibly possess such a thing?

"Well tell me what wand your brother had, go on, I'm curious to see the difference," there it was again the spark in his eyes,

"Well it was made with Chestnut wood and dragon heartstring. It was, I think 12 inches long and quite flexible,"

"yes, of course no wonder you managed to wheel it,"

"what do you mean?"

"I can tell alot about a person based on the wand they posses, for example, I'm sure your brother loved magical beasts along with herbology,"

"yeah I guess," I tried to play it off but he was correct, considering how much my brother was obsessed with dragons,

"since the wand was quite flexible and it's user was kind hearted," his voice grow a little faint as he disappeared behind all the wands at the back of the shop, "and most likely your brother, he loved you very dearly," slowly, while holding a small book Ollivander made his way back up to the counter again, "the wand had no problem being whelled by you,"

"What's that," I looked down at the box,

"a wand, what it contains doesn't matter unless it chooses you,"

He openned the box and handed me the wand, this was a strange experience to be having at my age. Normally you feel this nervousness and excitement when you're 11.

I waved the wand lightly but the reaction created by the wand was not in harmony with my movements. The paper sitting on the desk bursted into the air ripping themselves apart.

"clearly not," he took back the wand and dissappeared once again behind the shelves. "this might.." I heard him mumble to himself, "here,"

He walked up front with a bow that look exactly like the last, but the wand inside was nothing like the last.

"this is nearly, if not completely the opposite from the wand you once possessed,"

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