Chapter 20

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"We need to talk," I tell the girls as we walk in gym.

We go into the restroom and I explain everything.

"So you guys are back together?" Paige asks.

"Yes," I smile.

"I like him. He seems sweet and nice," Ali smiles.

"I'm happy for you," Paige grins.

"I told Luke, so he knows, but Chase doesn't," I say.

"Why Luke?" Paige asks.

"I've grown really close to him. Besides Ezra, he's like my brother," I say.

"I didn't know you and Mr. Montgomery were so close," Ali smiles.

"He's Ricky's best friend, so he's always around, and he's really funny," I giggle.

"Well I'm glad things are working out for you," Paige smiles.

"Thanks," I grin.

"We need to have a sleepover at my house Friday. I could invite Ezra and Ricky. I also could invite Luke, since he knows," I smile.

"Sounds fun," Paige winks.

"I'll be there. Now let's go before we get in trouble!" Ali laughs.

We head back into the classroom.

"Don't go to the bathroom next time without asking," Ricky says.

"Teachers pet," Samantha smirks.

I roll my eyes and giggle at her lame comment.

Everyone else is already at the track.

"I'll catch up to you guys in a second," I wink.

Ali winks at me and they head to the track.

"Friday, we're all having a sleepover. You, me, Ezra, Paige, Ali, and Luke," I smile.

"Luke?" he questions.

"We've gotten close, so he knows. I told him while we weren't together. The boys thought someone from my hometown cheated on me, and Luke was there for me. I felt that I could trust him, so I told him, and he's okay with it," I say.

"Good," Ricky smiles.

I kiss him quickly.

"Do I have to do my laps?" I groan.

"Yes," he smirks.

I groan and head outside.

"Is it fun screwing your teacher to get ahead?" Kendall smirks.

"I don't screw my teacher. How about you stay out of my damn business. I don't need him to get ahead, and unlike you, I''m actually smart," I smirk.

"How many teachers did you screw at your old school?" Maddie smirks.

"I'm not like you, whore," I say.

"I think she's screwed all the male teachers here," Samantha snorts.

"She hasn't," Ali comes to my defense.

"And how would you know, loser?" Samantha retorts.

"Jo doesn't need to screw teachers to get ahead. She has her own boyfriend, so back the hell off," Paige defends.

"Whatever, bitches," kendall laughs.

"Bye barbie," Ali snorts.

Kendall turns around.

"Go back to your stripper poles," Paige says, sending us all into fits of laughter.

"Ladies, that's enough," Ricky comes outside.

"Coming to Jo's defense," Maddie smirks.

"I don't have anything going on with Jo. Keep running your mouths and you three will be getting a write up," he says.

Kendall groans and walks off, with Maddie and Samantha following.

"Thanks," I grin at Ricky.

"What are we gonna do at this sleepover Friday?" Ricky asks,

"Have fun," Paige giggles.

"I'll see you after school," Ricky smiles.

"I love you," I blush.

"I love you too sweetheart," he smiles.

"Aww!" Ali squeals as he walks back inside.

"Hush," I giggle.

"He is a charmer," Paige giggles.

"So how are you and Chase?" I ask Paige.

"We're talking, and I think we're going to the movies Saturday," she grins.

"How are you and Luke?" I ask Ali.

"We're not official yet, but I think we will be soon," she blushes.

"Aww!" I laugh.

The bell rings and we all head inside. I walk to my car and put my stuff in it.

My phone rings.

"Hey cutie. I'm still here you know that right?" I giggle.

"Well, Kendall is outside spying. I'll see you at your house soon babygirl," he hangs up.

My insides tingle. he's never called me that before. I grin all the way home.

Unplanned (Student/Teacher Romance) STORY UNDER MAJOR EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now