The morning routine

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" Eren, wake up" armin whispered, Eren was a heavy sleeper and didn't like to be woken, especially when he has work. " seriously Eren, wake up!" Armin spoke, clearly getting angry at the fact that he was disturbing his morning routine.
" five more minutes mom" Eren slurred, lifting his head, eyes still closed, his head flopped back onto the fluffy pillows below.
" Eren this isn't funny-" Armin spoke but then stopped, a mischievous grin appeared on his face as he ran to the bathroom, filling the mouthwash beaker with icy cold water. He tiptoed up to Eren's sleeping form, trying not to wake him before he meant to. All it took was a second and Eren's hair was drenched in water.
" oh my wall maria" he exclaimed, sitting up in the bed, his green eyes wider than ever " Armin, why did you do that you idiot!" He turned to his boyfriend who was playing with his hands behind his back.
He pulled a smile and said "next time you should get up when I call, you know I don't like disturbances in my routine"
Eren spoke " note to self- always wake up when Armin asks, there could be icy consequences"
Armin smiled " I'm making pancakes with bacon, hungry?"
Eren replied " I sure am" Armin went to a straight face as he said
" take a shower Eren, you can smell those armpits of yours in Africa" he smiled sarcastically and left the room to tend to the sizzling bacon.
Eren rose from the bed as he yawned, playing video games till one in the morning wasn't such a good idea on the night before work, functioning on ten hours of sleep was a struggle for Eren, never mind five. He then proceeded to stretch, a usual move for him in the mornings. His face twisted as he smelt what Armin meant about taking a shower, his boss would be going mental at his lack of
hygiene . Standing from the bed, Eren looked for a towel in the midst of the messy bedroom, it was due a clean, by Friday the room was a mess from the weekly rush to work. He shouted " Armin have you seen my towel?"
" honestly Eren! It's somewhere in the pile of crap in your corner of the room, how you can live in such a mess I don't know, were you raised by pigs?" Armin laughed as he went to sorting out the breakfast utensils.
" don't you talk like that about my mother" Eren shouted to the busy blonde as he retrieved the towel from the mountain of dirty underwear and socks. He ran into the bathroom, turning on the shower, the liquid hit the shower curtain with force, creating a loud noise like rain on a tin roof. Eren enjoyed taking cold showers in the mornings, it fully woke him up and let him showcase his singing talents. He began to sing "easy come easy go, that's just how you live oh take take take it all but you never give"
" should've known you were trouble from the first kiss had my eyes wide open, why were they open" Armin sang, plating up the pancakes and bacon. The frying pan lay in the sink, covered in green coloured soap bubbles. They began to sing together "I gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash, you tossed it in the trash yes you did" Eren was now holding the loofah he was previously using to clean himself with as a microphone, armin however was dancing around the kitchen with a wooden spoon. Eren turned the shower off, the perpetual motion of the water ceased and Eren suddenly became freezing as he stepped out of the shower, grabbing the green towel on the rail and tying it neatly around his waist, he also grabbed the miniature black towel to put his hair in a turban. He left the bathroom, water dripping from everywhere and leaving wet footprints on the floor.
" you look so attractive right now" Armin giggled as he placed the plate of pancakes and bacon on the dressing table at the front of the room next to the door along with a cup of black coffee and a knife and fork.
" it's your fault" Eren laughed " you made me take a shower"
" and all the better for it, those stink lines have stopped emanating from you" Armin laughed and fell backwards into the messy bed.
" and you smell so good do you?" Eren asked
" smell for yourself" Armin spoke as he lifted his arm " I, unlike you, wash everyday and swear by deodorant" he smiled a smug smile as he left the room to clear up the remaining breakfast pots " breakfast is on the dressing table Eren" he said, gradually getting louder as he walked away.
" thanks" Eren said gleefully as he got changed from the green towel into a white shirt, and black suit jacket to match his black trousers . He grabbed a pair of socks and fiddled with them to get them on his feet. Bacon pancakes were his favourite and Armin always made them on Fridays. He appreciated the meal as he rushed to brush his teeth and grab his tie. Eren could never tie a tie, he had to make Armin do it.
" shoes" Armin shouted as he pointed Eren to the shoe rack where his black ones were residing. The radio changed the song to locked out of heaven by Bruno Mars, he was their favourite singer and they had tickets to see him in January. They began to sing along and start dancing, before long Armin had found another wooden spoon and Eren was stood on the kitchen table, dancing crazily. " we really need to become more mature" Armin laughed as he finished the chorus
" What's fun about mature?" Eren replied, planting a kiss on his boyfriends lips.
" I suppose so... Do you want me to do your tie?" Armin replied
" yes please" Eren said quietly, he was ashamed that he couldn't do such a simple task as tie a tie, it annoyed him greatly. Armin carried out the task almost effortlessly as he grabbed his lunch he made the previous night. Armin never liked buying food from the work canteen because of his job, although it didn't bother Eren at all.
The journey to work was faster than usual, they stopped at Costa Coffee to grab a cappuccino and a latte to go and they then took the drive to work on the other side of town. The journey usually took half an hour at least, but today there were less cars on the road. They arrived at the tall glass building at quarter past six, fifteen minutes before their work starts, but they enter anyway as it can never hurt to have some extra money from overtime, it was lucky that they did get to work early as people were going crazy, oh no, the meeting was today! They rushed into their office and grabbed the necessary papers needed for the huge business meeting, crap.

The morning routine- Eremin fluffWhere stories live. Discover now