Cheirismós sat with her feet on the table, clicking her fingers to light them on fire. She clicked again demolishing the flame. She heard footsteps storming from down the hallway. The door was thrown open and a pale man entered."Cherry! " he boomed. Cherry gave him a lazy glance and returned to playing with her fire.
"I am not paying you to sit here and do nothing! " he yelled walking up to her. She rolled her eyes, he grabbed her feet and threw them if the table.
"calm down" Cherry said getting lurched foward on her chair.
"calm down! I have 13780 souls wondering around. And I'm expecting more, none of my staff are working because YOU convinced them to go on strike for a pay rise" he boomed falling dramatically into a seat and resting his head on his hands.
"well, maybe you go do some work" she muttered, he looked up.
"maybe I could give my dear brother a call, and he could come and take care of you" The man spat. Cherry shivered, that was the last thing she wanted.
"you wouldn't dare" she said sitting up. She knew she was dancing on the line, and she couldn't risk crossing it, but she couldn't help herself.
"what, is my name" the man said rising. She looked at him blankly.
"what is my name! " he repeated more harsh.
"Hades. God of the underworld " Cherry said confused.
"and where are you? " Hades asked.
"the underworld" She said sulkingly.
"get to work now, or I will call Zeus" he said turning, his robe flapping behind him. "and get my guards back" he called as he left the room. She rolled her eyes again but rose.
Cherry entered her office, and picked up her scales. She nodded to the guard and he opened the door. An old man shuffled in slowly. Cherry sighed, this is going to take for ever.
She picked up an empty file as he approached.
"name? " she asked. He didn't appear to hear her and glanced around the room.
"WHAT IS YOUR NAME? " she yelled already bored.
"oh, Dennis Shearmen" mumbled the old man. She wrote it in the file. She then flicked her hand and the man's soul slowly rose from his mouth, it gave of a blue glow as it approached her. It gently placed itself on one end of her scale. Mist formed over the other side and images started flashing.
A young boy stealing a slice of cake, a 13 year old writing abuse over a wall, a 17 year old beating another boy, a young man in the war shooting the enemy, the same man betraying his fellow soldiers, an old drunk man pushing his wife down the stairs splitting her skull and killing her. The mist faded.
Cherry looked at the old man, standing still, his eyes were glassy.
"who was that woman" She said after thinking for a moment.
"Gail Shearmen " He said plainly. She wrote down the name.
"2 years with a mist of this woman" she said filling in the rest of his file. "we will see what happens after that" she flicked her hand and the sound slowly returned to its owner. Two guards seized him and pulled him out the room.
This was her job in the underworld, she decided the torture of the dead, as she was the goddess of punishment.
Cherry continued to work until the files towered over her. She then left as her shift was finished. She walked out of the underworld and came out in New York.

Percy Jackson / Heros Of Olympus - Glory and Gore
FanfictionShe's the daughter of Prometheus and Adrestia, as a punishment she had been sent to camp Halfbloods. seems simple right? But no one is prepared for this firery goddess.