Stopping The Harm

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(Requested by thesadlilypad605 )
*contains inappropriate language*

It was a regular school day for the students of U.A. High but there was one thing that was out of place. "Useless shit!", said a student pushing Tokoyami into the wall forcefully, Tokoyami felt tears fell down his cheeks as he hit impact on the wall. The student then grabbed Tokoyami by the shirt and punched him harshly making Tokoyami cry, after a couple minutes which was hell for Tokoyami the bell finally rings, "Luckily I didn't kill your dumb ass", they said before walking away leaving Tokoyami on the floor all beaten up. Tokoyami cried and stood up and walked to class hiding his bruises and any signs of him hurt, once he entered the classroom he sat in his seat. Shoji was the first to noticed he came in so he walked over to him, "Hey Toko, how are you today?", asked Shoji as he smiled under his mask, Tokoyami looked up at him and blushed, "It was fine I guess", Tokoyami said as he made a fake smile to him.

Shoji then noticed what he was doing and placed his hand on his cheek, "Hey, I know there's something wrong Toko", Shoji said worriedly, Tokoyami looks at Shoji and looked away as well as looking down. Shoji brought Tokoyami's head back making eye contact with each other, "Toko, please tell me what's wrong", said Shoji with a worried tone of voice. Tokoyami then felt himself breaking down and felt tears forming in his eyes then stood up and hugged Shoji. Shoji sighed sadly and hugged Tokoyami close. "It's ok Toko, I'm here", whispered Shoji comforting Tokoyami as he cried, Shoji rubbed Tokoyami's feathery cheek, "Everyone sit in their seats!", yelled out Iida as he came in the class, everyone besides Tokoyami and Shoji groaned loudly and went to their seats. "Your could tell me later ok?", said Shoji as he smiled under his mask, Tokoyami looked up at a Shoji and nodded gently and letting out a small smile before he sat in his seat, Shoji patted Tokoyami's head then went to his desk.

*time skip*

After class was finished Shoji waited for Tokoyami to finish gathering his stuff and when he did Tokoyami went over to Shoji and looked up at Shoji, "Now please tell me what's wrong Toko", asked Shoji as he held his hand. Tokoyami sighed sadly, "I...Ive been bullied", whispered Tokoyami as he looked down a bit ashamed, Shoji then widened his eyes, "And you didn't tell me?", Shoji said worried, "They threatened to hurt me more if I told anyone about it", Tokoyami whispered again as he rubbed his arm. Shoji stayed silent and thought for a bit, "I'll protect you from them", Shoji said with a serious tone in his voice, "W-what if they hurt you like they hurt me", Tokoyami said as he looked at Shoji and tears rolling down his cheeks, "Hey..hey Toko, they won't hurt me, I promise", Shoji said as he wiped his tears away and kissed his beak.

As the two walked through the hallway then went Tokoyami saw the kid bullying him then he went a bit close to him, "Awww you brought your boyfriend to protect you huh?", said the boy as he laughed, Tokoyami stayed silent and looked down. "Can you please stop bothering him", Shoji said calmly, "Why should I", asked as they laughed, Shoji then suddenly grabbed them by the shirt and harshly pinned them to the wall, "If you don't stop bothering him I'll be sure to hurt you as much you did to him so you'll suffer the same when you hurt him", Shoji said as he glared at him noticing how frightened they looked. Shoji then let him go and went over to Tokoyami and hugged him, Tokoyami hugged him back and smiles gently.

When the day ended Tokoyami and Shoji meet at a cherry blossom tree and as they were there Shoji held Tokoyami close to him, Tokoyami looked up at Shoji, "Hey Shoji", Tokoyami said, "Yes?", Shoji said looking back at Tokoyami, "Thank you", Tokoyami said with a smile. "For what", Shoji said as he rubbed Tokoyami's cheek, "For stopping the harm", Tokoyami said before he hugged Shoji and giggles. Shoji smiled and hugged back and kisses his head.

Well sorry if I did the request a bit late and I apologize for that, i was kinda busy but I decided to do it. Anyways hopefully you enjoyed this, from your created Tedd.

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