Nick st dick 🙄

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My bad for any mistakes I didn't reread it
Toni POV
Right now I'm in the car on my way to Jughead birthday party at this building I pull up in front of the building in it was a lot of cars it took me like 5 minutes to park my car I step out the car grab my Cologne sprayed it over my body then scan down at my outfit I got this blue navy Calvin tracksuit on with the blue navy Jordan's 4 retro   Outfits below

My bad for any mistakes I didn't reread it Toni POV Right now I'm in the car on my way to Jughead  birthday party at this building I pull up in front of the building in it was a lot of cars it took me like  5 minutes to park my car I step out the ...

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I walk up to  enter I walk-in "hey Toni" jay says  said "wassup  j " I said giving him a small smile "downstairs " jay says writing something I walk down stair "tiny" sweet pea yell drunk I laugh "already sweet"I said hugging him "hey tiny" fang s...

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I walk up to enter I walk-in "hey Toni" jay says said "wassup j " I said giving him a small smile "downstairs " jay says writing something I walk down stair "tiny" sweet pea yell drunk I laugh "already sweet"I said hugging him "hey tiny" fang says walking up to us "wassup" I say hugging him "where Jughead" I ask looking around " over there where Betty at" fangs says "thanks " I said then walk away walking  towards Jughead "happy birthday bro" I says punching him in his arm " damn bro thank you" he said laughing "hey Betty" I says going to hug her " hey Toni" Betty say laughing at us "Toni this is Archie he play footboll " Jughead said point to a red head boy "this is Veronica she rich " he pointing to a black and hair girl "this is Kevin he gay " he said point to a black hair boy "Josie she sings and write songs " he point to a black hair girl "and this i-" he got cut off " I got this I'm cheryl Bloosom aka Cheryl boomsell aka cherry blossom aka Betty cousin " I smile at her she smiles back "hey" I said "hey" she says back "hey" I said again says smiling like a dumb ass "well cheryl Bloosom aka Cheryl boomsell aka cherry blossom aka Betty cousin , Archie,Veronica,Kevin, and Josie  this is toni topaz she rich too and play football" Jughead says I smile at him "nice to meet you all" "nice to me u" they all said then they had they own Conversation I walk over where fangs is "u meet Jughead friends" he ask "yeah I just meet them" i said looking back at cheryl girl talking to a tall black hair boy
Cheryl POV
I been talking to this boy name Nick for 2 minutes he brought me a drink in ask me to go dance with him I agree but I but my vision started getting blurry nick started leading me somewhere I couldn't see and I could barely walk "wh-where are we going" I ask "don't worry baby girl" I heard him say then everything went black
Toni POV
I watch as the boy drag Cheryl out the party room I started to follow him cheryl don't look to good she tripping over her own foot as i continue to follow him u seen him get on the elevator they stop at the fifth floor I ran up the stair to the fifth floor I don't no which door it is I'm walking down the hall "no no what are you doing" i here a girl whine
Cheryl POV
I woke to getting thrown on a bed "why are we upstairs" I ask rubbing my head trying to get up "to have fun" nick says taking his coat off " we could have fun downstairs" I said standing up just to get thrown back on the bed "no baby by ourselves" he said in got on top of me in started sucking my neck I was fighting to get him off me he pined each of my arms above my head as I continue to scream and crying "you have to be quiet cherry" he said smirking it rip the top of my dress stared kissing my chest I close me eyes tight and i scream to the top of my lungs then pull of my underwear then he started to put penis in me slow I'm a Virgin so I scream louder cause it hurt then somebody burst through the door and grab nick from off me
Toni POV
I heard scream I started follow from where it coming from then it started getting louder I then found the door then kick it down to see the boy that was with Cheryl I grab him by his shoulder and threw  him off the girl in push him one good time he pass out cold i looked over to Cheryl she had her eyes close sobbing with her knees pulled up to her chest I walk over to her in put my hand on her shoulder she start hitting me "hey hey Cheryl" I say trying to stop her "it me toni open your eyes" I says softly she open her eyes in hugged me soo tight I hug her back immediately she then cry now crying in my chest I pull away hand my sweater " Iam take you home okay where you u live" I ask her rubbing her back " No I can't go back there my mom Kick Me out" she said in the middle of crying "mhm do u want to come to my house" I ask she nods her head "can I trust you" she ask softly " yes yes u can u can trust me " I says serious she nod her head I pick her up she pick her head on my chest then I walk out the room in towards the elevator then walk towards my car open the door place Cheryl in the front seat then close the door then I walk to my side the got I the drove towards my house she fall asleep ...... once we got to my house I picked Cheryl up walk upstairs Put her on my bed "Cheryl" I said rubbing her head "mhm"
"Do u wanna shower" I ask she nods her head I look down Cheryl legs in it was blood ran down " Cheryl did he do something cause ur bleeding" I ask helping her up "yes" she says and started crying again "oh gosh I'm really really sorry this happened to u, u really deserve better then this" I says walk her over to the bedroom she close the door I walk over to the closest in pulled out some sweatpants in a big white shirt for Cheryl i open the bathroom door a lil I know place the close on the toilet for her
I go on my phone in text Jughead

Toni: jug ik it your birthday but do me a favor u, fangs, in some of the gang not sweet pea cuz he to drunk go up to the room 5g it a boy there with black hair unconscious He a rapist, Cheryl got a important news to tell her cousin Betty idk if she want Betty to know its not my place to tell her but I'm telling cuz Iam need y'all to get rid of him he did a very very bad thing
Toni: oh yeah it not your birthday nomore it 12:00
Jughead: got u
Cheryl got out the shower got dress in laid down I got in the shower came  out got dress and we went to sleep.

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