Sky zone

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Toni POV
"Hey I'm taking kayden Khalil and Halze to sky zone you can go home Ariel" I said walking downstairs Ariel help Around the house  "ok i well i just got to wash the dishes" Ariel says "no no no Khalil will wash the dishes you will go home in get some rest" i said pushing her out the kitchen and help put her coat on "you sure I could just wish them real fast " Ariel said turning around "no it ok here" i said putting 3 hundred dollars in her shirt in pushing her out the door before she don't try giving it back Khalil came running down stairs "go wash the dishes" i said pointing to the kitchen "what mom" "did u or did you not  put them in there " i said "I did bu-" Khalil started "oh go wash them" I said walking from out his sight the door bell rang I walk to the front door look through the peck hole it was halze I open the door "hey haz" "Toni" she hugging me "who in the car" I ask her "my father" she said walk-in the house i wave to him he beep the horn I then close the door then walk to the living where kayden is "hey Lil man" I says sitting down "hi auntie" Kayden says let me introduce myself in life I'm toni topaz I'm a gang member I do stuff I'm not supposed to do but hey look where it got me in my son  we got big house nice clothes in everything my son name Khalil topaz he 14 years old he like football his mother that birth him left as soon she got release from the hospital Khalil got a bestfriend name Halze her mom died in a car accident she father get high in he alway drunk, I got a sister name celina topaz she had a son name kayden Johnson he got his father last name

We pull up to sky zone we got the car I walk over to kayden side take him out his car seat in close the door then lock it then put in down "last one to the door smell like nasty butt" I said then ran Khalil was the first one to the door of course that kid a football player then it was halze then kayden i let them beat me Khalil open the door I grab it in hold for the red head that was comin with her daughter I think. she sexy she wearing black high waist skinny jeans black shirt that show the top of her chest red long sweater in black heels in her red hair in a high ponytail "thank you" she said walking in the door I walk towards the front desk in paid the guy hand them they socks
Cheryl POV
I was behind the lady that hold the door for mads in i, I look her up in down she had black sweatpants she got a nice butt with a red hoodie on she look back in slime at me then walk away I walk up to the man "she paid for you" the man said "why would she do that " I ask confused "idk" he says hand me my socks then walk away I walk over to her she look up "wassup" she said smiling "why u pay" I ask "don't know what your talking  bout" she says "yes u do don't play dumb" I says I'm my sassy voice  "I can't be nice" she look at me in smirk "I wanna jump" Mani said mani is my niece her full name is Amani I sit her down in took her shoes off then put the socks on then she went to jump
Toni POV
"Wats your name beautiful" I ask in she stared blushing "Cheryl" I remember one of my best friend jughead girlfriend Betty  talking bout a cheryl "mhm" I says " why mhm" she ask looking at me confused "nothing it a cute name" I say laughing "thank" she says "that your daughter" I ask pointing at the lil girl she had "oh no she my niece" she giggles I smile "those your kids" she ask " one of them the big boy" I says "the lil one is my nephew in the girl is my son friend" I added " your name Cheryl blossom" I ask she snaps her head towards me "y-yeah how you know" she ask confused "Betty she is your cousin right?" I ask "yeah" "she says you her cousin her favorite cousin she alway talking about you in a good way" I says "how you know her" she ask "me in her boyfriend Jughead are good friend in he sometime bring her to the whyte wyrm" I said "then you are toni, Toni topaz" she said "yup, that me" I smile "she alway talking about you too" she says
" your girlfriend let you  spend money on people u don't know like that" she ask looking at me changing the subject "I don't have a girlfriend" I smirk "I'm married" I says " even worse you don't have ur ring on" she says looking at my hands then she smiles "I'm playing I'm a single parent" I says "oh" all she says "let go jump" I said in hold my hand out for her she look at me hand then back up to me then she grab it

Two hours later
We been jumping in having fun for 2 hour now cheryl niece was playing with my nephew in me cheryl Khalil and halze was playing tug Cheryl kept falling kayden and Cheryl niece was crying they don't want to leave each other "you should come over" I said to Madeleine "to your house" she ask "yeah" I said "I don't k-" "the kids can have more time to play and u in I could maybe get to know each other" I said mads roll her eyes "fine" she says

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