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Monday, September 27, 1976

Life's such a bore. Doing the same things every day and getting the same results, same satisfaction. Parents telling you to fix your face before we walk through the church doors or your mother frantically fixing your hair and clothes in fear of embarrassment in front of her friends that are suspiciously to kind. There is no excitement anymore like there used to be. Even in school it's bland, everyone has the same blank stare and empty words. It's time to spice it up a bit.

"Shut up.." a soft voice whispered, a hand grasping locks of honey colored hair. The thoughts vanished and a relieved sigh escaped the owners lips. "Don't think those sinful thoughts Mingi.." Mingi mumbled to himself, his hand releasing his hair and moving to the cross neckless that hung from his neck. Those 'sinful' thoughts weren't a common occurrence but not completely rare either. They were like the obnoxious thoughts you get late at night, keeping you from sleep. But are they true? He would never admit it if they were. Coming from a conservative family, Mingi wasn't interested in the reckless thrill other teenagers his age craved. He heard some of the kids in his class talk about who slept with who or where to get the best narcotics in town. Mingi tried to drown them out, reading his pocket bible. He read the same verses over and over until it was fully embedded into his mind, but he still managed to listen in on their conversations. A curious itch crept up his back as he tuned in, eyes slowly shifting in their direction. His gaze would linger until they noticed, leaning over and whispering to each other. Mingi would feel his face heat up, burring his nose back into his study.

Mingi was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was the priest's son. Everyone around him had high expectations, shoving many things his way. "That's a sin Mingi." Or "God sees everything you do Mingi. If you sin he'll know." He's heard it so much it's like a broken record. His bible study group even babied him. They wouldn't talk about anything "sinful" around the innocent church boy. They spoke for him which didn't rub him the right way. Were they his friends? He doesn't see a reason to say no, so yeah they are his best friends. Nobody really talks to him at school. The boys silently mock him and the girls whisper to each other. Freak, weirdo, loser. Mingi just pretends to not hear it...until..

"Hey church boy!" A voice booms from behind him, Jung Wooyoung. Mingi's head turns around and faces the schools cliché popular guys; Jung Wooyoung, Kang Yeosang, Choi Jongho, and the newest member Park Seonghwa. "Can I help you?" Mingi spoke politely to them, not being used to this at all. They share glances before the muscular one, Jongho, stepped forward. He held a piece of paper out for Mingi to take. "You're invited." He smirked. Mingi looked at the paper before reaching out and taking it. He nodded at them before they walked off. The honey haired boy turned back in his seat and opened the paper, reading it.

TO: Song Mingi
Bible study at (insert address) tonight at 8:00 sharp! Don't miss it! We hope to see you there!

A smile tugged at his lips. Maybe he was going to finally gain some friends other than the ones he sees only twice a week. Mingi folded the paper and carefully placed it in one of the pages of his bible before closing it. Maybe he would be able to witness all the excitement he hears about with these new friends. He would finally be accepted.

Or so he thought...

The rest of the day went fast, the eagerness made his body tingle. The Bible study was only a few hours away, but Mingi was still excited. "There's my angel." A high pitched voice chirped. Mingi's eyes locked with his mothers. He just smiled at her. "Can I go out with some friends tonight? I was invited to a bible study." He asked, walking over to where his mother sat on the couch. His mother is a kind woman, very down to earth. She didn't have a mean bone in her body and she trusted her son more than most parents do. "As long as you know God is always watching." Mingi nodded and bent down to hug his mother before rushing off to his room. His eyes glanced at the clock that hung on his wall. It read 6:35 pm. He smiled before walking into his bathroom. He flipped the light on, stepping in and facing his reflection. He smiled at himself before quickly taking off his clothes and turning on the water in the shower.

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