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This can't be right? There is something interfering with the—

I've always wondered what it's like after we pass. Is it the chance for eternal paradise or the chance for a fiery bath? Could it be nothing? Just you and the darkness?

People tell me not to think about it. They tell me not to worry about death and that it's a waste of time at such a young age. Though I listen to them on the outside, I still keep my curiosity on the inside.

Since I've been raised a certain way, I will believe in what I've been told but i still can't help but wonder. Is it possible that I've already found out?

I would tell you if I could just..



I'll fix this.

Friday, October 1 , 1976

Mingi eyed the blonde boy at his lunch table, puzzled on why he was at the school. He knew something felt off today but seeing this boy made it definitely feel odd. "What are you doing here?" Mingi asked, his eyes locking on San. The others sharp eyes softened at the question, his head tilting to face the honey haired boy that sat next to him. "Same thing as you beautiful." He smiled.

Badump ..

Mingi frowned, his brows knitting together harshly. "You really need to learn how to be quiet." He huffed and looked down at the table, his cheeks burning (from embarrassment of course. Not because he was being flirted with...or wait..) San cocked a brow before giggling. "You know what they say, if you scold someone you must like them." The blonde boy scooted his chair a little closer to Mingi. "And you've scolded me a few times.." he trailed off, his eyes wondering for a moment before he opened his mouth again to speak. "Stop right there." Mingi's head snapped up, his eyes piercing San. "Don't say another word. I don't feel like talking to a sinner, so please, keep your mouth shut." He glared at the other before grabbing his bag.

San watched as Mingi dug in his school bag. His careful gaze and his shuffling hands, it made his chest all fuzzy. He raised his brows once Mingi pulled out a good sized novel. He watched as Mingi gently opened the book, his slender fingers softly feeling each page before he landed on the right page. He observed how his eyes would scan left to right before he would move on to the next sentence. San felt like he could just melt on the spot from watching the other.

Maybe San didn't really understand why he felt such feelings for Mingi. All he knew was that he was told who he belonged to and how to act around him. Who was he to question it.

Mingi felt a pair of eyes burn holes in the side of his head. He quickly looked over, not surprised by who was the owner of those eyes. "Can you stop staring at me?" Mingi asked, trying stay patient. San clicked his tongue before stubbornly shaking his head. "No can do kiddo." Mingi watched as San scooted closer.

Badump .. badump ..

Mingi gulped, closing his book. He needed to escape. This wasn't a good situation for him to be in, especially when he is potentially sinning. Mingi anxiously put his book back in his bag, giving San a quick glance before standing up.

Riiing !!

Mingi let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding. Thank god.. He didn't waste any time rushing out of the cafeteria. Simply escaping didn't calm his nerves. His stomach was twisting into tight knots and his chest was fluttering like the butterflies that would occasionally visit his garden in the spring. Mingi shook his head, ignoring his anxiety (like it's that easy) and walked to his class.

We Fell in Love in October -minsan/sangi-Where stories live. Discover now