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The losers were in a bus driving to the stop which was next to the hotel they were going to stay at. Bill wanted to take Stan to Disney since he never could go because of his father "saving for collage". Bill didn't want to leave the rest out. Mike had important thinhs to do and Ben didn't want to miss school.
"Hey baby finally awake?" Bill teased. Stan looked at Bill and rose his head off of Bill's shoulder. Stan looked at his phone.
"It's 9:16" he looked at Bill.
"I wanted you up its lonely on the bus taking pictures to send to Ben and Mike and looking through my apps"
"I bet the pictures were of me" Stan smiled
"Maybe" Bill laughed softly noticing the others were still asleep.
"Hey love birds I am trying to sleep" Bev said facing away from them. Bev was bu the edge, Stan in the middle and Bill by the window. Richie and Eddie were on the other side if them still able to still talk without getting in other people way.
"Will we able to see love birds?" Stan asked
"I dunno actually"
"Morning fuckers" Richie said stretching after waking up
"Fuck off Richard" Stan snapped back
"Ok just keep fuckinh talking" Bev joked
The bus stopped dropping the last person off now it was just the Losers
"Morning" Eddie said finally waking up
"Ok ok I want to take a picture to send to Mike and Ben" Bill said taking out his phone and search for his camera.
Bill angled his phone to fit everyone in. He took the photo and sent to the Losers group Chat. All their phones got a notification.

Eddie: eww I look so ugly
Richie: no you don't my sunshine
Mike: wish I was there dudes
Ben: yeah me too
Richie: then why didn't you haystack
Bev: "school is more important"
Ben: exactly
Stan: Stup up dudes in trying to have a good time with my boyfriend
Bill: thats right I'm his boyfriend
Stan: ☺
Richie: 😏😏😏😏
Stan: stop
Mike: Bill, how is struddering going?
Bill: not strudding anymore but for sh
Eddie: bye we are at our stop
Mike: bye have fun
Ben: bye

The losers grabbed their bags and got out. Eddie's hair was in their natural curls which Richie loved so much. "Baby you look cute, please wear your hair like that more please"
"Fine, but I don't like it"
"It covers my face and it makes look depressed"
"Eds you wear sweatpants and hoodies all the time, you always look depressed"
"But how can I be depressed if I have a boyfriend like you?" He smiled
"Aww I love you"
"I love you too"

"Shit it's Bower's and his gang!" Richie whispered yelled at the group as they walked into their room with a big tv, relaxing area and kitchen. There was two bedrooms. Richie and Eddie shared one room and Bill, Stan and Bev shared another room, because there was two beds.

It was late at night after watching a movie. They all went to their bedrooms. Richie and Eddie were in the room getting changed, Richie took his shirt off and kept his jeans on. Eddie just finished putting on his short red shorts and Richie's navy blue white stripped hoodie. Eddie grabbed his toothbrush and went to the bathroom. Richie followed him on his phone, he wrapped his arms around from behid Eddie. Richie put on Snapchat and took a picture of them.
Richie smiled and posted it but kept his position behid Eddie. Then the two turned down the lights, shared a kiss and closed their eyes.

Bill changed into sweatpants and put on a teal blue t shirt. Stan stayed in his clothes. Bev cames out of the bathroom after changing.
"Do you think the people who work here acted weird?"
"A little"
"They were kinda creepy" Stan said turning off the lights and cuddling in with Bill.
"Don't worry about it though, you exiced for Disney in the morning?"
"Uh yeah" Bill smiled lying down cuddling Stan back.
"Goodnight Bev" Stan and Bill answered back.

Bill woke up by laughter and slights panic noises outside of their room. He got up and checked his phone 4:29am. He opened his door seeing a few people watching and others calling 911 and panicking. A person in a black hoodie covering their face with a ski mask and black rubber gloves wearing no shoes and black sweat pants. Bill looked away as he saw a knife going close to her chest. He saw her lying there, dead. His heart skipped five beats. He lost his breath and closed the door. All he could think about is the maid. The maid lying in a puddle of her own blood.

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