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Bill ran to Stan
"Stan baby wake up" he said in panic shaking him
Stanley slowly opened his eyes
"What's wrong?" He said finally sitting back up.
"T-thhere was I murrrder, someone hhhere killed her"
"Ok calm down you are stuttering again, wait who got killed?"
"The maid" Bill said calming down more
"Shit really?" Stan said not wanting it to be true.
Bill nodded.
"Ok just get some rest ok we have to wake up early tommoraw.
"Ok, I love you"
"I love you too honey"

"Morning mother fuckers!" Richie yelled walking onto the couch with Eddie.
"Richie shut up"
Bev slowly got out if her bed and woke up Stan and Bill. Stan opened the door and kept it open after Bill and Ben left the room
"Eww can you guys not make out" Stan said
"It was just one kiss Stan" Eddie said
"Bet you and Bill were fucking in the morning heard screaming" Richie joked. Bill expression was noticeable he looked down at his feet and his smile turned into a frown.
"Big Bill, is trying to tell us something" Richie smirked and Eddie slapped his arm "ouch" Richie whispered
"Stop something happened in the morning"
"What happen?" Beverly asked
"Around four I heard laughing outside of our room so I opened the door and saw a person in all black, he had a knife and killed the maid"
"You sure the maid didn't kill them"
Bill shook his head
"I saw her lying in her own blood after the person left"
"It was probably Henry"
"No it wasn't, I saw him and his friends. All of them"
Eddie began losing his breath slowly
"Can we just get ready please I'm losing my breath" he said panicking
"Ok my baby boy, come here" Richie softly said opening his arms for Eddie to climb into them, which he did.
"How come he treats him like a princess and me like a crum from a cookie"
"Fuck off, Stanley baby" he teased Bill
"Shut up Richard"
Eddie smiled "are we leaving or not"
"Oh hell yeah!" Richie said picking Eddie up
"Let me down Richard" Eddie laughed.
Richie brought him into their room and dropped him onto the bed. Richie hovered over him and began kissing him. Eddie wrapped his arms around Richies neck.
"The doors open" Stanley said, Bev and Bill laughing.

Bill was wearing matching shirts with Stan. Teal shirts with heat pockets. Bev is wearing a striped blue and white t shirt with blue jeans and black jeaned over alls. Eddie was wearing a yellow sun shirt with blue jeans over alls and grey sweatpants with his natural curls. Richie was wearing a baby blue shirt with black jeaned pants with a rainbow belt.
"I'm not happy with this look Bill" Stanley said
"I promise Wednesday we wear what you want"
Bill nodded grabbing Stan's pinky finger and kissing his hand then giving his nose a nugde and Stan following with him.
"Uhh what was that?" Bev asked
"It's just our way sayinv we promise to each other" Stan smiled
"Ok lets go please" Bev said grabbing their key to their room.
"Off to Animal Kingdom" Bill shouted quickly.

The group arrived and Stanley was excited he was finally where he was standing. "Come one Bill lets go!" STAN said grabbing Bill's hand and running towards a open space. "Thank you Bill, I'm so happy you made a dream come true" Stan said hugging Bill.
"Aww Stan it's nothing baby" Bill huggrd hum back smiling
"I love you"
"I love you more"
"Aww you two are so-" Bev said but was cut off by someone's voice
"Gross, so gross" Henry said
"Fuck off Henry" Bill said
"Not until you get your gay ass's out"
"Shut the fuck up asshole"
"Piss off Richie"
"Henry can you just leave us alone for once" Bev said
"Fine but one thingI bet it was one of you who killed her".  he whispered
All their faces went black
"J-just forget it" Bill said grabbing Stanley's hand and walking to find something for them to do.

Stanley was getting tried and his eyes were droopy.
"Hey Stan are you tried"
Stanley nodded resting his head on Bill shoulder. "Stan's ready" Bill said.
"Finally my legs are killing me" Bev laughed.
"We have been here since the sun was out now it's the moon infront of our faces" Richie joked
"The park is closing soon anyways" Bill said checking his phone.
"Can you carry me? Please" Stanley whined
"Fine" Bill playfully rolled his eyes. Bill picked up Stanley and looked in his brown eyes, his beatufil brown eyes, that slowly shut was they walked.

Bill placed Stanley onto their bed and covered him with the blankets.
"Ok Bev I'm going to take a shower" Bill whispered grabbing a pair of clothes.

Bill turnrd on the water getting undressed. Screaming went through his head and Henry's words
"Gross, so gross" and "I bet it was one of you who killed her" seeing the knife motioning to her chest as he closed his eyes.
"Sssshit" Bill said shutting off the water. He took a towle and dried up then putting his clothes on. He walked out of the bathroom seeing Stanley and Beverly talking together.
"Hi baby" Stanley said in a baby voice using his grabby hands. Bill smiled and layed on his lap as Stan played with his hair and talked to Bev.

Eddie was lying down on his phone when Richie was listening to his music falling asleep. Richie's arm around Eddie's body and Eddie's head on Richie's chest. Richie was now asleep so Eddie turned off his phoned and the lights then cuddled up with Richie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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