Prologue- Abduction

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Dream P.O.V

A bright light suddenly fills the room causing the child to awaken. His small hand grabs his cover and tosses it off him. He grabs his bear and crawls out of bed. The child blinks his eyes and walks over to his window. He wets himself as he sees his daddy being dragged into a big shiny spherical object. The child screams out, "DADDY!!" His scream is heard by the creatures and they laugh as the object's door closed.

Jack's P.O.V

I bolt up in a cold sweat as my memory fades. I shove a hand through my hair as I hold back the tears. "Jack!! Wake up!!" My bedroom door bursts open and I shoot my partner a glare that stops him in mid-step. "What the hell are you doing in my house, Drew?" I growl out throwing my covers aside. As I walk over to my closet Drew clears his throat before saying, "There's been another abduction." At those words my body tenses up as memories of my father return to drench me in another cold sweat.

I quickly dress not caring if I look bad and rush out of my bedroom. Drew catches up with me as I grab my key chain and wrench open my front door. I make sure I lock it before I rush to Drew's car and climb into it. I buckle up and Drew revs the car and tears out onto the road heading to the abduction site.

~~~~~~~~~~~At the Site~~~~~~~~~~~

I look over the area and know in an instant this abduction isn't done by the same creatures that had taken my father when I was six years old. I sigh as I remember yet again that I've been without my father for nineteen years.

"Please, sir, tell us you find our children." I turn to see Drew talking with Mr. and Mrs. Kazuki. "We will do our best." I hear my partner say as I head over to the spot I was told the son was at right before the bright light had flashed.

Ryuji's P.O.V

~~~~~~~~~~~On the Craft~~~~~~~~~~~

A voice speaking a language I've never heard before awakens me. "Kreal ana kiz sotil leevs." I blink open my eyes and look around. My pulse starts speeding up as I become aware that I am nude and strapped to an examining table. My eyes flick all over and I scream out as I see my sister, Kiki, being operated on by a man at least I think he's a man. My scream causes the other one leaning against the wall to straighten and walk over to me.

I gulp as I see his eyes shift from light blue to a dark green. 'What the hell is he?' I ask myself as I try to cringe away from the hand making a trail from my inner left thigh towards my private area. Just as that hand is about to touch me I hear a sound like a doorway is opening. I turn my head towards the sound and glaring at the guy touching me is the most terrifying man I've ever seen.

His short platinum hair is cut in spikes. His red glowing eyes seem to hold the attention of whoever he gazes at. His mouth is turned into a scorn and his fangs seem to be stained with a red hue. I let my eyes scan down to his outfit and I gulp down my scream. He's wearing all black armor and shoulder spikes. His wrist braces are stained with blood.

I try not to shiver in fear as he walks over to my other side. I can't help but flinch as he swiftly reaches out and crushes the arm of the guy touching me. "Icha sa lul tach." His voice drips with hate and my eyes widen in sheer horror as the guy that had been touching me is lifted off his feet and tossed away before being shot with some type of gun-like weapon. My fear overwhelms me and I pass out.


Translation of the alien language.

Kreal ana kiz sotil leevs. = Kreal will not like this.

Icha sa lul tach. = Touch him and die.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2010 ⏰

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