-Requests and info-

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AuthorNugget here! Just wanted to clear a few things up quickly before letting you into the domain of oneshots I have (terribly) written. I say the good stuff starts at my Valentine's Day chapter so if you wanna skip some cringe I say go there first! But you don't have to of course it's just my favorite chapter so far!

1. Requests are [Closed] atm, but when they open back up you can just leave a comment or direct message me your request! I suggest DM's if you want a little more depth and detail of what you want me to write!

2. The quirk will change depending on if it needs to! (which it most likely will but-) there will be times that you can choose your own quirk and times where a quirk will be given!

3. chapters will be gender neutral but some might lean towards female if I am lazy or not feeling to well that day, for which I will apologize for!

—xXx— = TimeSkip ( a skip of time )

☁️- Fluff
🥀- Angst
⚠️- Trigger warning (may involve triggering scenes)
💗- Random (it has nothing to do with luv- most of these will mostly be child readers I'd say)
🍋- Lemon !Lemons are something I wouldn't do unless requested! (Probably)
🥑- Limes/Tease (I mean, it's basically what it means)
🎬- Drama (a very cinematic chapter, usually is super long and/or based off of a show or movie. For those times I'm feeling extremely inspired)
🎼- Songfic
🤡- Scenario/Headcanons

(Y/N)- Your Name
(Y/L/N)- Your Last Name
(F/N)- Fathers Name
(M/N)- Mothers Name
(B/F/N)- Best Friends Name
(C/N)- Crushes Name
(F/D)- Favorite Drink
(F/F)- Favorite Food
(Y/I/@)- Your instagram @
(Y/T/@)-Your Twitter @
(S/o)- Significant Other
I'll update that when needed!

Anyway, enough hold up! Have fun reading my book and comment cause I love reading those!

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