🥀☁️- Husband!Katsuki x Wife!BodyConscious!Reader

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The reader is conscious about being on the more thicker side rather than being too skinny.



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You were standing in front of the mirror in nothing but your underwear. Your elderly friend had told you today that you looked like you had gained a few pounds which of course hurt your feelings as you were already pretty self conscious about your weight. Your expression dropped into that of a sad one when you thought back to the bullying that had occurred when you were younger due to your weight. But then you met Katsuki Bakugou, and your life changed for the better. He helped you come out of the state you were in, and no matter how much you deny it he tells you that your body was perfect to him, and that you shouldn't worry about it so much. But he wasn't here right now, so you felt like worrying about it.

He usually calmed you down in times like these but he's off fighting god knows what. So you were stuck alone with your own bad thoughts that seemed to pound in your head. It called you ugly, fat, and told you no one could ever love you. 'I don't even know how you got with someone like Katsuki, he's probably cheating on you anyway' It said. You started tearing up slightly as the thoughts only got worse.

They were so loud in fact, that you hadn't heard the front door open. Your husband had just come home from a long day at work and just wanted cuddles from his lovely wife. Your shoes were at the front door so he assumed you were home. He trudged his way to your shared bedroom and opened the door only to be greeted by you standing in front of your full body mirror, half naked, with a frown on your face, and tears in your eyes.

His frowned deepened at the sight. He hated when you felt self conscious about your body when it was fucking banging. "The fuck did I tell you about doing this shit?" He asked you while grabbing your waist and hugging you from behind. You jumped, surprised that you hadn't noticed him until now. "U-uhm Katsuki! I didn't notice you got back!" You sniffled and wiped away what was almost tears. "Don't fucking ignore my question." He kissed your cheek. "Y/n, what have I told you? Your body is perfect the way it is. Stop thinking it's bad." You frowned. "But it's not, it looks nothing like how the models look and-" "That shits photoshopped! Your body is way better than any of those bitches." He kissed your neck slightly causing you to let out a giggle. "..thanks Katsuki.." he grunted. "You better call me the next time you feel like this." You just nodded.

"Did you want your after work cuddles? Or maybe a massage?" You asked him, playing with his hair. "I'll give you a massage today, then we can cuddle." He grumbled before standing up fully. "A-are you sure? Wh-" he had picked you up, and you were worried you'd be too heavy for him. But he carried you with ease over to your bed. "Hell yeah I'm sure, you're obviously not feeling the best and as your husband I'm gonna fucking help." He said as he placed you down. He situated himself behind you and started giving you a massage lightly on your shoulders. "Thanks Katsuki.." you smiled at your husband who had kissed your head. "Mmm, now do you want me to push harder?" You nodded and he did as told. He comforted you with encouraging words, kisses, and cuddles. And in a few hours you had completely forgotten about your previous bad thoughts...


🥺🥺👉👈 y'all should like, feel comfortable in your bodies

WOrD COuNt: 640

愛: Bakugou x Reader [OneShots]Where stories live. Discover now