Chapter 14

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When we all got outside, I see that Anna stopped walking. I turn to her, "What's wrong?" I ask. She looks at the cars and then back at everyone else. "What if we take 2 cars? That way one of us doesn't get separated or we don't take too many cars." She suggests. I look at the cars and the amount of people that we have.

"That's actually a good idea." Merida says. Everyone else nods in agreement.

"Okay, well how about the 2 girls and 2 boys in each car?" Rapunzel says. I give her questionable look. She walks over to me and whispers, "We can't let them go together in one car, they might plan something behind our backs." She explains. I nod as she continues with her arrangement, "DeBrunch and Menzel, you two go along with those two." She says pointing to Jack and Flynn.

"We have names you know." says the blonde one.

"Alright. Go ahead and give us your real names." she says, making sure that they understand not to trick us.

"I'm Kristoff Groff." The blonde one says.

"I'm Eugene Fitzherbert." The one that I thought was named Flynn said.

"Hold on, I thought your name was Flynn?" Rapunzel says.

"That's my undercover name." He explains. We all nod as they continue.

"I'm Jackson Frost, but you can call me Jack." Jack says.

"And I'm Hiccup Horrendous." says the brown haired one. I try to hold in my laughter along with the girls.

"Your last name is Horrendous?" Merida says, still trying not to laugh.

"Yours will be too in the future babe." He says smirking. Merida starts smirking and the guys start Oohing and wolf whistling. We roll our eyes at how immature they're acting.

"Okay, let's just get in our groups and decide in who's car we're going in." I say. Anna and Merida both walk over to Jack and Eugene while Hiccup and Kristoff walk over to Rapunzel and I.

"So who's car are we going in?" Kristoff asks.

"I think that we should go to the auto garage, find a different car." I suggest. Rapunzel nods in agreement while the guys look at us a bit confused.

"What's the auto garage?" Hiccup asks.

"We'll show you." Rapunzel says and we all start walking towards the auto garage. When we reach the door, I put in the pass code and we enter. The guys just stare in awe when they walk in.

"This is a garage?!" Hiccup practically yells. I giggle and nod.

"So what car should we take?" Rapunzel asks.

"Do you guys still have my light blue skyline?" I ask and she nods. "Well then let's take that one." I finish.

"Hold on, how come you get to choose?" Kristoff whines.

"Because A, I said so. B, it was my idea to choose a different car." I say and he makes a fake hurt face. I chuckle and shake my head at how stupid he is. We get to my skyline and we get in. Rapunzel and I are in the front while Hiccup and Kristoff are in the back.

Rapunzel hands me the keys from the glove compartment. I turn the car on and I drive out of the garage and go to the parking lot, to where the others are at.

"Are you guys ready to go?" I ask and see that Merida is driving while Anna is in the passenger seat and the other two guys are in the back.

"Yeah, you go in front of us. I'll follow you from behind." Merida says and before I can go, Anna stops me.

"Oh El- I mean Ellie. Here's a walkie-talkie, so we can still keep in contact just in case." She hands it to me and I nod and give her a smile.

With that, we make our way to Sacramento.


Chapter update.!


Well sorry this chapter was short. I had writers block and I've been writing this since Thursday.

I actually had a few problems with my ex boyfriend which is why I couldn't think of anything else to write.

OMG guys, yesterday 1D released their new music video, Night Changes. I watched it at school and I just died.

It was so perfect but then everything got ruined but it was still funny...except what happened to Zayn. That was just mean and the guy who did it is a jerk, dick, douche, etc.

Well hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter. If you did please comment and vote.

Take care & I'm out.


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