Chapter 15

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Once we left HQ, there was nothing but awkward silence in the car. I turn on the radio so there could be some noise playing in the car. Stay With Me by Sam Smith was on. This song is somewhat annoying but it's still cute.

"So what's up between you and that Marshall dude?" Kristoff asks. "Seems like there's something special going on between you two." Rapunzel looks at me, probably wondering that same thing.

"No. There's nothing special between us. He's just my boss and my best friend. He's like a brother to me." I say. I've known Marshall for a long time but I've never liked him more than a friend. Heck, we barely got along at first. We always fought because we said that we were better than each other. After a few months, we found out that we had a lot in common so we started talking more and we ended up being best friends.

"It doesn't look that way." Hiccup says. I look at him from the rear car mirror, with my eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean that when he's with you, he acts different." He answers.

I look at Rapunzel and she nods in agreement.

"He has been acting even more strict ever since you left. Plus, the day you did leave he was really upset. He barely even left his office." Rapunzel says. Does that mean that Marshall likes me?

"So you're saying that he-"

"He likes you. Hell, he might even love you." Kristoff says. I can feel my cheeks turning red. I start thinking of different times that he would act weird around me and the sweet things he would do for me. I never thought he would like or even love me. I was so different from the other girls. I felt like a monster back then, but he didn't care. He was always there for me when I was picked on, even if we didn't get along. I wonder how long he liked me.

" do you guys know that he likes me? How are you so sure?" I ask again. I don't want to go up to ask him and look stupid. I want to hear the proof that they have.

"Before you came into the computer room, after you went home to pack up, he was acting like a total dick to us. He kept yelling and screaming at us, telling us that we aren't fooling him or whatever. But when you came in, he stopped yelling and started being nice to us." Kristoff explains.

"Yeah, he went from being a total dick to being Mr. Nice Guy." Hiccup backs up his statement.

I look over to Rapunzel and wait for her proof. "Marshall always talked about you when you left. If we did something wrong, or if the kids did something wrong, he would always be like 'Elsa would always do this instead of that, Elsa never cried over this, Elsa is better at this than you are'." She says, trying to impersonate Marshall's voice. I try to laugh at her attempt, and I succeed.

"Okay well if it'll make you guys happy, I'll talk to him when we get back fro-"

"No! Call him when we get to the hotel and ask him there." Rapunzel says smirking. I nod hesitantly, knowing that this won't go very well.

~2 hours later~

After 2 hours of talking, arguing, and laughing, we finally made it to Sacramento. It's currently 7 pm and we all started debating in which hotel we should stay at. Oh and by we, I mean everyone, including the ones in the other car (remember, we have the walkie talkie).

We agree in staying at Winter Ice Hotel. We go inside and sign in. We decided that all girls sleep in one room while the guys sleep in another. The girls and I go into our rooms and it's very big and pretty.

(Picture is at the top/side)

We all start unpacking out bags, putting them in the drawers. After we finish, we all lay down in bed. "So what do you guys wanna do?" Anna asks.

"I want to stay here after that long ride but at the same time I want to go out somewhere." Merida answers. I start thinking of a place we can go to have fun but where we don't have to move that much.

"Hey, why don't we go to a karaoke place?" I ask sitting up. The girls quickly up and look at each other. I wait for their answer and after a few seconds they all nod and smile.

Seems like we're gonna have a girls night.


Hey guys.!

Here's today's chapter!

I'm sorry it's short but I already have the next chapter planned out.

But I'm planning on being 4 chapters ahead. In other words, I'll update this chapter but I've already written like 4 other chapter, but I didn't publish them.

I'll only update when I make a new chapter (again, ahead of time)

So I'll probably won't update until a week or two. Maybe just a few days but still.

I hope you guys will have a good Thanksgiving and be careful on Black Friday.

Take care & I'm out.


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