Your Nightmare

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You were laying in your queen sized bed with anti fast asleep beside you. You watch as his chest rises and falls and you can't help but wonder what he's dreaming about. Good things most likely, judging by the soft smile on his face.

Eventually, your eyelids start to grow heavy too, and your consciousness slowly fades into sleep.


It seemed like a normal dream. You were climbing a blue mountain encased with fog. It was pleasantly chilly and whatever was lighting your path did so in a way that made you feel like you were in a story book. You know you wanted to get to the top of the mountain, but you don't know why. Nonetheless, you climbed, excited to see what was ahead.

You passed small streams and you had fun hopping across stones to cross them. You notice that the fog has changed somehow. You can't put your finger on it, but it suddenly seems more menacing than magical. Well, once you get above the fog, you'll feel better.

But the fog doesn't ever clear. It gets thicker, and the once mistical light sims to an eerie glow. The temperature drops until you can see your breath. Someone calls to you, "(Y/n)! Help!" You can't identify the voice, but they sound so fearful that you want to help. Need to help.

"Where are you?" You cry.

Suddenly there are more voices calling you from every angle. But you can't pin point any of them, you can't even see through the thick fog.

"Help us!"
"It hurts!"

Your head is spinning. Where are they? They need your help, where are they?

You are screaming, your voice breaking through your tears, "Where are you!? I don't know where you are!" You curl up on the ground and sob, trying desperately to block out the voices that have risen to screams.
"Nononono, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...."


Anti is shaking you as he holds you upright in bed, "Y/n, y/n, it's alright, it's okay. I'm right here."

You gasp as you awake, the shocking change from the cold of your dream to the warmth of your bed making it all the harder not to scream. After a few moments, the color starts to seep in as shock fades out and you can see more clearly. You are home. You are safe. Tears of relief brim in your eyes and you bury your head into Anti's nightshirt. He holds the back of your head as you take in shaky breaths, mumbling soft reassurances inbetween kisses on the top of your head.

After a couple of minutes, you pull back and look into Anti's eyes. He places a hand on your cheek and you do the same to him. You lean up and connect your lips with his. no matter how many times you kiss him, you can never get over how soft his lips are, or how he holds you so gently, as if you could break at the slightest touch. after a few seconds, you whisper, only just loud enough to hear.

"I love you."

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