Chapter Five

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As you both lay under your covers and in the same position of being on your side with your head resting on your hand, we talk about the night it had been. I didn't want to bring up the moment we had after showing him the clip, just in case he didn't feel it but you knew that eventually, I was going to have to tell him how I felt.

'I'm really glad I have a second show though tomorrow night.' Ruel says

'Yeah, hopefully they're as loud as tonight's crowd' I agree and he nods.

'Yeah, I think tonight's was the loudest after Sydney of course'

'The Sydney show was really good' I mention

'Yeah, I always love performing there' 

'Because it's your home town?' I ask, he nods and I smile, until his face suddenly drops and he lays on his back, pulling the sheets closer to him

'We should probably go to sleep' he says and my heart drops slightly.

'Um, ok... yeah'


I hated shutting her out but I couldn't admit to anyone that I had fell for her but she was just beautiful inside and out. I hated that I fell for her so quickly and I couldn't even admit to her that I felt this way. 10 minutes had gone by and I was still wide awake, laying on my back, looking at the ceiling

'Ruel?' I hear her voice suddenly.


'I like you.' My heart instantly was beating faster. 

She likes me? Since when? How? Why?

'What?' there was silence from Ellie, 'Ellie?'

I sat up and looked over to her bed where her back was to me and there was still no answer. I sigh and my head hits the pillow, hoping that you would be able to talk to her tomorrow

As I wake up the next morning, Ellie's bed was empty and I sigh as I roll out of bed. Nate was already at the table eating a bowl of cereal, 'Where's Ellie?' I ask

'I think you should focus on your show today.' I roll my eyes and go into the kitchen and scroll through Instagram as my toast cooks. 

I hear the front door open and I lean over the the counter to see who it was. Ellie walks by with a towel around her neck, her hair wet and in a bikini.

'Hey-' I was shut off by the bathroom door shutting and locking shut. 

Why is she shutting me out after she admitted that she liked me last night? 

Does she not like me anyone? Did she not like me at all and it was a misunderstanding? Was she sleep talking? Or was I just hearing things? Whatever it was, I needed to get to the bottom of it before the show.


'Look, I just don't want to film tonight' I say to Joel as he looks confused.

'Why tonight? You pretty much beg me to film every show. Why now don't you want to?' 

'I just don't, ok?' I argue

'Have you been crying?' I brush his hand away from my cheek to hide the fact that I had been, but no one needed to know that

'I'm fine. I just don't want to film him' I say and shakes his head

'That's what you're here for...' 

'You wanted me to stay away from him and I that I am, you complain' I throw my hands in the air

'You staying away from him and doing your job are different things. I know you weren't happy with the decision-'

'It wasn't a decision Joel, it was a mandatory rule that I had to follow no matter what.' I fire back, still trying to keep my voice to a minimum.

'Fine. Sit in the green room tonight and do nothing.' he shakes his head as my eyes fill up with tears again and he walks out the door. 

I knew I shouldn't have confessed to Ruel last night because now it's affecting my job and my relationship with Joel. I wipe away the tear that already fallen and I sit on the couch, crossed legged. I look around the room before your eyes meet the doors and the tall blonde boy who was standing in front of it. 'Can we talk?' he asked and I sighed.

'I thought you had meet and greet...' 

'Finished' he mumbles and I pull my phone out.

'Look Ruel, you may wanna talk but I don't so just go do soundcheck. Nate's probably looking for you'

He shrugs his shoulders before taking a seat next to me on the stool, 'Why don't you wanna film tonight?'

'Eavesdropping much?' I smirk

'I overheard some of you and Joel's conversation and...I just want to talk to you about last night'

'Can we not talk about it?' I ask and he sighs.

'I can't not talk about it Ellie. When you admitted that you liked me-'

'Shut up' I cut him off but he's persistent. 

'What? No. When you said-'

'Ruel, Joel could be right around the corner right now. I don't need him getting mad at me anymore.' I reason

'Why would he be mad at you?'

'I'm not allowed to date you...let alone, lead you on to thinking that I would want to date you and here I am...Admitting that I do want to. But we can't, because of Joel' I admit

'And Nate' Ruel adds on but I couldn't be more confused.

'What? What are you talking about?' I ask and he sighs.

'Nate...banned me from liking you' he mumbles and I cross my arms.

'And how's that going for you?' I ask again

'You just... drive me crazy...but in the best way possible...I like you Ellie' I raise my eyebrows and nod before looking at the ground, blushing.

'So what do we do now?'

'You seriously think we can do anything right now Ruel?' I stand up and sigh, 'Ruel, you actually think that something can happen between us after we both realise that Nate and Joel don't want us together. Not only that, I'm probably going to get grounded for life if Joel finds out I had one single thought that we would ever date. You know what? I'm surprised that Nate hasn't kicked me off this tour yet because I haven't looked at you one time without massive heart eyes and every time he catches us, I just want to disappear because he just knows that sometime is going on. I can just feel it'

'You talk a lot' is all Ruel says

'It's a personality trait'

Before you knew it he was standing right in front of you, his lips on yours and his hands around your hips pulling your bodies closer together, the closest you've ever been to him before. 

As you realise what was happening you quickly pull away and quickly walk away from him, brushing his shoulder on the way out. What was he thinking?

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