𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 : 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠

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Ricky's Pov :

" Hey....Ricky right ? " the cute girl from earlier approached me .

" Heyyy...yea. What are you doing here ?" I asked .

" I would like to properly introduce myself since you know.... we met on the wrong foot ? My name is Nina by the way "

" Anyways , I just want to say goodluck on getting the role that you want" she continued .

" Thanks Nini , you too by the way " I smiled .

Wasn't her and EJ Caswell going for the main lead of the play ? Why is she suddenly wishing me goodluck ? I mean I wanted to act as Troy but shouldn't she wish bad luck to me instead ? AHHH I'm just spitting nonsense . I'm glad she decided to talk to me . I mean I wanted to but I was scared that her boyfriend wouldn't buy it .

"Anyways , thanks Nini and I hope you and your boyfriend got the lead for the play . I got to go right now . See you later ." I said .

I was hoping to stay and have a great conversation with her but I didn't want her boyfriend to think otherwise .

Nini's Pov:

Nini...such a cute nickname i guess . He's kinda cute though . He can't even pronounce my name properly . But I like it . The thought of it made me smile like crazy . Students passing by the lockers would probably think that I am crazy . 

Anyways , I'm really nervous for today . To be honest , I really want Ricky to get Troy instead of EJ...I hope Ms Jenn is able to bring down EJ's ego for once . I really hate how he's overconfident about everything .

Sigh....I then head to class for next period . 

A Few Hours Later....

School has just ended . Everyone was rushing to know the cast list for the play . Ricky was just feeling as per usual...not nervous...not confident either . He wanted the role because of Nini but he knows that he can't and never will he be able to get the girl of his dreams . On the other hand , Nini felt extremely nervous . Nervous for herself and nervous for whoever will get to play Troy . Will it be her boyfriend or Ricky , who she might have developed a minor crush on.

Seeing the list , Nina was shocked . In a good way . She never really expected to be getting the lead role in a play . She always admired Gabriella , and now is her chance to be playing her role . But that wasn't what she really cared about . The guy who's playing the role of Troy is what she cared about . Ricky - the boy that she has confused feelings for , is going to be playing as her love interest . But...she has a boyfriend . The boyfriend who actually is supposed to be in Ricky's spot . How could she spill the news to him after this ?

Whereas for Ricky , he was surprised too . For someone who's not interested in musicals getting to play the lead role of...a musical ? That's an achievement for him . At least he could tell his mother the good news and make her happy . 

Nini's Pov:

Gosh...I don't really know what to feel...I mean I'm happy that I got the lead role but how could I spill the news to EJ ? He will be so shattered . I mean he was really confident in telling his followers about the play and how he was going to play as Troy . How is he going to embarass himself infront of many people especially when he's known to "get everything he said he will" ?

Anyways , that didn't really brush me off . The fact that Ricky will be playing my love interest ? Hell yeah , I get to spend more time with him and we could actually be closer...I guess .

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