The Fear

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(Hi I'm writing this before school so it most likely won't be published until later)

Eddie's POV

I woke up laying in Richies arms. I look up at him and just remember everything all at once. All the girls that came for him. And he just said no. Not because he was gay.

But he did it for me. Because of me? Was I stopping him from being happy?

No. Of course I wasnt. Richie loved me.
"I love you." I said kissing his hand that was cupping my face.

I decided to get up and tf ake a shower.

"Eddiee" I hear a slowly waking Richie groan.
"Whered you go?" He asked grabbing the place where I was.
I guess realizing that I wasnt there.

"Taking a shower. I'll be out in 5."
"Ugh. 5 minutes without you?"
"Do you wanna come with me."
"Yes." He said perking up.
"Beep beep, Rich." I said rolling my eyes.
"Fuck you, man."
I just smiled and walked off to the bathroom.

I took my shower, letting the water drip through my hair.

*Knock, Knock*
I knock on Ric-Our door.
"Mhm?" Richie said throwing something and climbing under the covers.
I ignore that and walk into the room. There is a Richie with a big smile on his face.

I walked over to him and nm kissed him.

*3 hours later*
"Ok. I'm starting to freak out a little." I said to Beverly walking through the forrest.
"Richie said he would be here 2 hours ago."
"Call him..?"
It was ringing. I had never felt so happy to hear my boyfriends calming voice.
"Hey, is everything ok?" He asked
"Yeah..where are you?"
"I dont know.."
"What do you mean?" I asked starting to breath heavy.
"I was walking down the road and then this guy asked me to sign a paper."
"And then everything went black. Now I'm here."
"What's it look like?"
"Um. I it has 2 windows. A bed..well, like your room. Exactly like your room when you lived with your mom. But pink."
I knew exactly where Richie was. This had to be Sonias doing. I dont even call her mom anymore. Ever since she kicked me out for loving Richie.
*flashback in Eddie's POV*
"Yes, Eddie Bear?"
"I'm dating someone."
"Oh! What's she look like? I bet shes beautiful. When are the grandkids?"
"I'm dating Richie..."
"Richie Tozier?!"
"Get out."
"Get. Out."
"GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE!" She screamed. She never screams at me.
I cried running to Richies house. And ever since then we have been living together.
*Flashback ends*
(Still Eddie's POV)
"Richie. Stay put. I'm coming to get you."
I told Beverly NOT to follow me. She nodded and walked up to Ben while Stan with with Bill.

*20 minutes later*
I arrive at where Richie is.
"Eddie Bear?"
"Where is he?"
"Dont play fucking dumb."
"Do not use that language!"
"Tell me where he is damn it!" I screamed tears rolling down my face.
"Oh. Hes out of our way, Eddie bear."
"Fuck you. We were gonna get married!" I screamed.

She looked at my hand noticing the ring.

"He...gave that to you?"
"Yes. He proposed about a month ago."

"He wants to marry you?" She asked tears rolling down her fat face. (What? Eddie's mom was fat. Sorry. :))
"Yes. He always has. Since the day we met in Kindergarten."

"Oh. I see.." she got up and handed me a key. "5th room..I'm sorry. I'll stay out of your way."
I ran down the hall to door 5. I opened it and there was a sleeping Richie. He still had his glasses on and had sweatpants and his Reddie hoodie. God I love him.

I walk up to him and cuddle myself into his arms.

His eyes open a little.
"Hey, Trashmouth." I said smiling
"When did you get here?" He asked yawning.
"Just now."
Bang! A gunshot went off. I quickly looked at Richie thinking that something happened to him. But he seemed to be fine. I was fine.
"Who the hell-" richie stoped mid sentence and got up quickly fixing his hair.

Richie ran through the halls into the living room. There layed Eddie's dead mom with the gun in her hand and the hole in her head.
"Shit, I cant let Eddie see this." Richie mumbled.
"See what?"
Richie grabbed me and kissed me. He put his hands around me as I wrapped my legs around his torso. He stopped kissing me.
"Woah. No nickname?"
"Sorry. What's up?"
Richie turned me around to where I could see the blood on the wall but nothing else.
"I-im sorry..."
"Its ok."
I hated my mom.

She always forced me to take pills and when I told her I thought I was in love with Richie she told me I was sick and she had to make me better.


I pressed my lips back on his and he put his hands on my waist. I didnt have time to be sad. Plus, when Richie was around i was never sad. Well, i wasnt sad unless Richie let me be sad. Not saying my sadness is Richies fault. Because its not.

"If you wanna go home. You have to sit in the car."
"You have to get off me."
"Eddie, I cant makeout with you and drive."
"But you said you liked the danger."
"Yes, but-but not when your life is at risk."

I unwrap myself from my boyfriend and sit down in the car with a frown.
"Cheer up."  Richie said kissing my forehead before closing the door.

We were driving down, back to our house. Which his mom did own before she moved out of Derry. She still payed for it until Richie went to college in a few months. I was trying to make the best of it since we were going to separate colleges. (Or are they? ;))
So I was with Richie every second.

*the next morning*
Beep. Beep. Beep.
The alarm went off.
"What the fuck dude?" Richie didnt seem very pleased with the alarm.

We didnt get out of bed that entire day. I just layed there in Riches arms, letting him hold me and kiss me.
"We have school."
"We are already like 3 hours behind."
"Fuck fine."

*at school*
We are in History and I just remember all the purple spots on my neck.
"I need your hoodie."
I pointed at all the purple stains on my body. Richie took of his hoodie and handed it to me.

We held hands under the table mainly because we were in the back and the teacher couldn't see us anyways.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you, Eddie Kasbrak."
He kisses my hand softly and then puts it back under the table.

The teacher walks closely to us but doesnt say anything at all. Thank god.

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