Eddie Kaspbrak

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(This is mostly gonna be in Richies POV until I feel like changing it.)

I wake up to Eddie in my arms like every morning. I slid my arm out from under his body. I kissed his forehead.

I got up and decided to take a shower. Showers are nice. Especially my showers with Eddie. I mean-
"You're not hurting yourself are you?"
"No. I took a shower." I said opening the door. My hair wasnt in its curly place. It was damp and just kind of laying on my head. I did have my glasses on as always. I had shorts on but I still didnt have my shirt on.

"Have you seen my Queen shirt?"
Eddie looks at me and his eyes get big."Umm" he starts."which queen shirt?"
"Ugh, nevermind I'll wear my Crybaby one. "
He smiles.
"If you didnt take that too." I mumble.
"Hey. I like your clothes." Eddie says in defense.

I walk back over to my boyfriend and kiss his nose.
"Now get up."
"Because, I have something very special planned."
I walked over to my dresser pulling out a pair of my black ripped jeans and my Crybaby shirt.

"Ugh." Eddie got up.
I threw him his favorite one of my hoodies. (The trashmouth one with the pink fading to purple)

"Thanks.." eddie said streching.
He got up and grabbed a pair of grey jeans and threw on my hoodie.
Eddie wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me quickly.
"Ok. I'm Reddie now."

We walk out of the door and I lock it. We start College in a week. I decided I was going to make this the best week of Eddie's life and wait Sunday, the day before we leave college, to tell him the amazing news.

"I'm cold."

I took off the jacket I was wearing and wrapped it around Eddie's arms.

Eddie looked at me and back at himself a few times.
"But now you're gonna get cold."
"But you're gonna be warm."
"So, I would rather you br warm than me be warm."
I press my lips against his before he has the chance to argue with me.
"Besides, we have enough chemistry to keep me warm for 10000 years and more.

(Hehehehe I wrote that before I fell asleep last night.)

"Ugh fine." Eddie wrapped his arm around my waistand kissed me.

When we- well Eddie, stopped walking, he looked at the building that was in front of us. Memories came back to him.

Eddie's POV
This is where we met..sort of.

I was inside ordering a large cappuccino with whipped cream and then you came in. Little did I know you were new to the neighborhood. We were best friends in Kindergarten. But now, I doubted that you even remembered my first name.

"Eddie Kasbrak?"
I was wrong.
"R-Richie Tozier?"
You ran up to me and hugged me tightly. We had been contacting each other ever since you left, but we sorta faded from that this last month. So I wasnt expecting to see you here.
(Flashback ending)

*Richies POV*
I look at my hand and its holding Eddie's. He orders what he always does and so do I.
"Small Cap, whipped cream, sprinkle a little cinnamon."
I look at the menu already knowing what I want, mainly to see if anything changes my mind.

But I decide to stick with what I always get.
"Christmas on a Sunday" I say plain.
"As always Tozier." The girl said as she already had mine made.

"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"She already had yours?"
I looked at Eddie who had small jealousy written in red. (Its a figure of speech before you come at me.)
"I come here every Friday. And some Saturdays."
"Its Tuesday."

After the coffee shop we head home.

(I'll make the rest when I come back from school)

Eddie's POV
Sunday(the last day before college)
Richies been acting weird all week. I dont wanna say anything, I dont wanna offend him or..
"Eddie?" He grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers.
"I have something REALLY important to tell you. But I cant here..."
"Yeah. I'll meet you there in ten minutes." He says kissing my forehead and walking to the bathroom.

I walk to the Quarry and sit down on a rock.

Richies POV
Ok. This is it. I'm gonna tell Eddie the good news.
I get in the shower and let the water drip through my messy hair.
I brush out my hair.
I put on a black shirt and throw on my Reddie hoodie and threw on some black jeans. I dont know why I wear black so much, but whatever.

I walk, no I run to the Quarry and see Eddie sitting on the rock looking down at the water and smiling.
"Eddie." I say and he jumps a little.
"Jesus Rich.."
"Sorry." I hug him tightly.

We talk for about 10 minutes.
"So..what did you wanna talk about?"
"Well, see. Tomorrow is college day."
"And we have all the same classes."
"Yeah, Rich. But you're going to a different college than me." Eddie says roughly.
"Ok. Harsh. But..."
"But what Rich? You dragged me here to remind me that we aren't gonna see each other?"
"What, Richie?" He says pushing his hair back.
"Look."  I hand him the paper that says we are going to the same college.

"So. Like I said, since we have all the same-"
Eddie cuts me off by jumping in my arms and cutting me off.
"Well, I love you too." I say laughing a little.
He looks at me and smiles.
"I love you Richie."

A/N: ok this one was kinda short. I'm sorry.

I'll make one later tonight and make it 2,000 or more words to make it up to you guys. You're welcome.

I love you all :)

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