You tutor him - Luke imagine

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Your POV:
"Y/N," you hear your teacher call once you've already exited the classroom. You turn around and peek your head inside, anxious to see what he has to say so you can finally go back home and relax. "Yeah?" You ask, standing in front of his desk.
He gives you a smile before explaining, "Well, Y/N, as you know we have a peer tutoring program for exemplary students to helps ones that are struggling and need some extra help." He takes a breath and continues, "I was wondering if you could do me a favor. A classmate of yours has been having some trouble in English, specifically with analyzing the book we're currently reading. Do you think you would be able to tutor him temporarily?" He squints and crosses his arms, patiently awaiting your response. "Uhhh..." You think about it for a second before he adds something else which really sells you the idea. "Keep in mind, the experience will look great on resumes and your college applications. And it's almost decision day as you're probably aware." Ugh, decision day. As if you needed a reminder. He did make a good point though, you weren't going to say no to anything that could help you get into your number one college choice. "Yeah I can do that" You reply with a smile, which he gratefully returns as he stands up. "Perfect! He's still here so you can meet him, I'll be right back." He says before leaving the room. For some reason you didn't necessarily think that the student you'd be helping would be a boy. You were always pretty awkward around guys which is why you only ever had one serious boyfriend. Hopefully the fact that you'd be helping him understand the contents of Hamlet would give you enough to talk about that your anxiety wouldn't show through. Moments later he walks back in, but this time with Like. He's a tall, pale boy with a lip ring, his blonde hair styled in a messy quiff. "This is who your going to be tutoring, Ms. Y/L/N. Meet Luke Hemmings." You had seen him around the school several times, but never actually spoke to him. "Hi I'm Y/N." You say, looking into his ocean blue eyes. "Hey, I'm Luke." He replies, giving you the slightest little smile. "Y/N, you start tomorrow. I'll let you two make arrangements by yourselves," your teacher says and leaves.
"So would you want to come over to my place?" You ask hesitantly, your eye contact remaining. "Yeah sure. What's your number? I'll text you tomorrow." He hands you his phone and you type in your name and number, and he does the same in yours. "Cool. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" "Sounds good. See ya 'round." He says with nod before walking away.

(The next day)

Once school had ended, you give Luke a quick text once you arrive home.
"Hey. Come over whenever you want, my address is Y/A And remember your book 🙃"
"K. I'll be over in a few. See you soon" He texts back. You lock your phone and get out your book and notepad, and some snacks.
You throw on some sweatpants and end up passing time by watching a random show on Netflix when you hear the doorbell ring.
You run downstairs and open the door, revealing Luke. "Hey" You greet him. "Hey, sorry I'm a bit late," he
"Um there are some snacks over there. Make yourself at home! Let me just grab my stuff." You smile back at him, and collect your books from the counter. You take a seat across from Luke and begin the lesson. "Ok so let's just start with the basics." You flip through some pages in your book, To Kill a Mockingbird, until you find the chapter you're on. "Ok so in this chapter, Atticus is facing a conflict of-" You look up from the page to see Luke scrolling through his phone. "Um...Luke?" You raise an eyebrow at him, annoyed. "Sorry, if I'm being honest I couldn't care less about this book. It's so boring," he says as he locks his phone and plops it on the floor next to him. 
"Listen I know this stuff isn't riveting or anything but it's important! I'll try to make it a little more interesting." He rolls his eyes and gives you a begrudging "Fine," but finally you start the lesson and get through most of your assigned chapter. "Ok so we're almost done! We just have to review-" You stop mid sentence and look up to find Luke staring at you. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You ask, blushing slightly. "You're just really pretty..." He trails off and breaks your eye contact, fidgeting with his pen. A puzzled expression is planted onto you face. "I-um. Really?" You stutter and suddenly forgot how to speak. "Yeah." He confirms, looking back at you. Your faces are only centimeters away from touching, when finally Luke plants his lips onto yours and kisses you softly. You pull apart, both of you somewhat surprised at what just happened. You had only known each other for a day now, and Luke suddenly loss all of his confidence as he realized he might have scared you off. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't even-" he tries apologizing but you cut him off by placing your lips on his once more, smiling into the kiss. You  blush and look away. "Wow." Is all you can manage to get out. "Yeah." He says and chuckles.
"Oh wow it's getting late." Luke states, looking at the time on his phone. "Oh yeah, sorry about that." You apologize, not really feeling sorry for what just happened. "Hey it's fine. I'm glad I came." He smiles and winks. "Me too. Who knew tutoring could be so fun." You agree with him. He starts packing his things, and then heads for your front door. "So... does tomorrow at the same time work for you?" You ask him. "Absolutely, I'm sure we'll get a lot of studying done tomorrow," he says sarcastically and winks at you. "See you soon, Luke." You give him a quick kiss on the cheek before shutting the door, you can feel your face heating up again. You flop down on your couch and think about how excited you are to see him again tomorrow.

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