Chapter 15 - Back to Normal

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359 Days Since We Left Home - An Hour Since Kidnapped (for the second time):

Brooke Keye's POV:

    How can things fall apart so quickly? How can something that was just fixed, be broken so quickly? How can you lose the relationships you just made? How can these things happen so fast? How am I back in the place where I ran away from?

     Adam led me to a truck towards the back and opened the door. "You found her?" came a voice from inside. I peeked around Adam to see the truck filled with people already - minus the backseat which held only one person. The guy, who I'm assuming spoke up earlier, smirked and added, "I guess so." 

     Greg, who was in the driver's seat, snorted. However, he glanced at Adam and started to give up the driver seat but Adam stopped him. "You drive - I'll sit in the back with my girl." Greg nodded and shifted back into a comfortable position. 

    The guys in the middle piled out, giving us room to fit in the back. As I passed by, one of the guys bumped me purposely and I flinched. I shot him an angry look but quickened my pace. Soon, the truck was moving and I was sitting in the back, next to Adam.  At least I wasn't sitting in the middle, smushed between two men. 

    Adam had his arm wrapped around my shoulder, pressing me close to him. I shivered slightly since no one had turned the heat on for some strange reason and the fall air seeped through the windows. Adam noticed and hollered to the people upfront, "Turn on the heat, you dimwits, it's cold!" 

    I flinched, startled by his yelling, and Adam's grip tightened. "We'll be back home soon, love. I promise." Adam murmured into my ear. I sighed, allowing my head to drop onto his shoulder. Home. Why did it sound so hollow now? What even is home? 

    I stared out the window as Adam started messing with my hair and tried to banish thoughts of Joel, Britt, and my family. Maybe banishing those things from my mind will help me forget faster. Maybe the hole in my heart will fade away and I can be whole again. Maybe I can free again, even if freedom seems to be beyond my reach. 

    But, then again, what is freedom?

A/N: Another update!! I may also upload a chapter tomorrow, but I'm still debating. I've changed my updating day from Monday to Wednesday or Thursday since I could never stay on top of things if it was Monday. 

Regardless, enjoy the chapter! 

Spoiler: Don't worry, Brooke'll be fine in the next few chapters. 😊

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