Chapter 17 - Dark Closets & New Days

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359 Days Since We Left Home - 1 Day Since Kidnapped (for the second time):

Brooke Keye's POV:

    Breathing heavily, I crouched down and tried to see through the cracks in the door. Someone had banged on the door and Adam, cursing the whole way, answered it after hollering to give him a moment. He talked to the person outside then, cursing some more, came over to me. He told me to hide in the closet and not come out for anyone or anything. 

    So, here I am. In the closet. Waiting. Wondering. Adam had seemed worried and there were precious few things that made him worry - which means I should be especially worried. Maybe it was one of his friends, drunk and angry, going on a killing spree. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

    I bit my lip and stared through the cracks of the bedroom door. Adam would solve the problem before it reached here. Wouldn't he? I fidgeted with my shirt hem that went down to my knees - one of Adam's shirts. Or at least I thought it was...

    Banging echoed through the house and I froze. Shouting, then screaming. I bit my lip so hard I tasted the metallic taste of blood and felt it drip down my chin. I wiped my mouth, but slowly as if whoever it was could sense any amount of moving. More shouting, but closer. Then a bang that could only be a gun.

    I flinched and pressed myself to the wall, curling into a ball. The door opened and I squeezed my eyes shut. Don't look in the closet. Don't look in the closet. Don't look in the closet. I chanted, almost as if praying. Footsteps came closer and I could just barely make out their voices.

    "Anybody in here?" someone said. "It looks like there had been, but I don't know if there's someone still in here." someone else replied. My breath became hitched as I listened, slowly pressing myself even more against the wall. More footsteps and another person entered the room.

    "You find the girl?" they asked. Both people gave a no. A sigh then, "Do you think Adam could have taken her somewhere else? But then again, how far can you go in less than a day? She has to be here somewhere..." 

     Who in the world are they talking about? Did Adam take on a new girl without me knowing? No, that's not possible. I would have heard something or seen something... Almost as if struck by lightning, a new thought entered my mind. Could they be talking about me...? 

    The closet door opened and I let out a squeak. The person also made a surprised noise but then quieted and called to his buddies. I tried to back away but was already as far as I could be against the wall. 

     "Hey, it's okay. We're not here to hurt you." the officer said softly. I peeked up at him to see kindness on his face. Real kindness, not the fake kindness I've been force-fed for the past year. 

    Is this a rescue?

A/N: Sorry for the update late in the day, there's been a lot of stuff going on, schoolwise and lifewise. I've also been more focused on a different story that won't be on Wattpad and that isn't fanfic but fantasy. I need to catch up on this story, lol. 

Vote, comment, and edit!! All are appreciated! Thanks for continuing with Brooke!

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