Chapter 8

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Yo author here I had a really fun time writing this one also I just make a multiverses book as well. So without further ado lets get this chapter going.

*Nezu's office/3rd person POV*

(Nezu) - ok is everybody ready?

(Eraserhead) - yes.

(Midnight) - lets put this bastard behind bars.

(Edgeshot) - I am ready.

(Small Might) - lets do this.

(Nezu) - ok so everybody remember Eraserhead will erase his quirk and Edgeshot and Midnight will try to render him unconscious All Might is only they're in case he gets away from you three we will have cleared out all the citizens from the area so All Might can go full power.

(Small Might) - how will we know we're he is?

(Nezu) - we found another base just like the Yakuza we think they are doing illegal drug testing but we have know way to prove it so we can't raid their base but it is a good opportunity to weight nearby incase Ghost Rider Riley attacks the place this is the best lead we have and our only opportunity to catch him.

(Small Might) - we won't let you down sir.

(Midnight) - when are we gonna do the stakeout.

(Nezu) - now I have already started the evacuations.

(Eraserhead) - ok then but who will watch my class?

(Nezu) - I will watch your class Eraserhead.

"All Might, Eraserhead, and Midnight freeze and look at nezu"

(Midnight) - are you sure you want to watch class 1a.

(Nezu) - it cant be that hard.

"Eraserhead looks at him with a look of unbelieving questionableness"

(Eraserhead) - good luck I'm going to go start scouting the area around the base.

"Eraserhead leaves and Midnight looks over to All Might and Nezu"

(Midnight) - well he sure left in a hurry.

"All Might chuckled and Nezu just sighed"

*Scene change factory*

(Lucifer) - well in almost 4 months you have been training and you have gone past all my expectations for your physical body now I think it's time you start training your power.

(Izuku) - got it but how will I train my power will I just go out more killing villains.

(Lucifer) - well yes you will be going out more often but we are going to also we are going to train your ability to control the things you enchant.

(Izuku) - oh ok when will we start training and how much more will I be going out?

(Lucifer) - well you are going out now because of that Yakuza base you found and we will be training when you get back.

(Eri) - big brother are you going out.

(Izuku) - yes I am I will be back soon and I'll bring apples.

(Eri) - yay apple!

(Izuku) - see you soon I'll be back.

(Eri) - bye bye.

"Izuku then walks to his bike and rode off towards the Yakuza base.

*Scene change new Yakuza base
With the hero's*

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