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July 15, 1979

Stevie and Helena were curled up in the "big bed" as Helena calls it, watching Morning cartoons when Helena said something that stopped her.

"Momma your belly feels funny." 

"What do you..." Her breath catches and she realizes what exactly Helena meant.

"Baby, Baby...I need you to go get Daddy right now and tell him to call Scarlette's mom." Stevie instructs her hand instantly finding her stomach.

"Why is something wrong?" Helena questions. 

"No, No...nothings wrong, your baby brother is going to be joining us either today or tomorrow." Stevie starts breathing heavily.

"Yay!!!!" Helena bolts off the bed sprints down the hall. 

When she heard Helena's footsteps fall away she lets what she's holding back fall out. 

"AGHHHH, God!" It wasn't that they hurt yet it was that they came at such a surprise and they were uncomfortable in the position she was laying-  on her back with her knees slightly in fetal position-Helena had curled into her side and at the time it was the most comfortable way to lay for the both of them. 

Stevie immediately rolled completely on her left side and was breathing into her pillow when she felt a strong hand start kneading at her back. 

"I called Tana, she's on her way. Helena's packing an overnight bag." Lindsey whispers into her ear as he starts rubbing her back.

"Not my back Lindsey, my lower stomach please do something to my lower stomach." She whines.

"Okay." He takes a seat on the bed and snakes his arm around her hip where he starts gently stroking at her abdomen.  

They were in their own little world when the doorbell sounded and Helena came running into the bedroom. Stevie was in the middle of a contraction and she was moaning out. Helena just froze her little lip wobbling.

"Momma?" She asks. Stevie cut off her moan and slowly sat up. 

"It's okay baby come here." Lindsey motions with his hand. 

Helena crawled onto her dad's lap and slowly gave Stevie a hug.

"I'll miss you." She says into her shoulder.

"I'll miss you too sweet girl. Go have fun." Stevie says as Tana appears in the door of the bedroom. 

"Good Luck Stevie." She gave a sweet smile. Stevie just mouthed a Thank you as she curled into Lindsey another contraction encompassing her. 


It was around four o'clock that afternoon when the family ventured to the hospital after her water broke. And by six she was writhing back and forth in the bed. 

"Lindsey I can't do this. I really can't do this." She sobs.

"Baby look at me, yes you can." Lindsey kisses her head.

"It just...It hurts....FUCK!" She cries squeezing his hand tightly.

"Breath baby Breath...In and Out...In and Out." He does the breathing pattern that they had discussed with the doctor and she mimicks him. 

"Ms. Nicks, we're going to check your dilation." Her midwife comes in and Stevie starts shaking her head.

"Are you sure you don't want it?" She sighs.

"I'm sure, It hurts too much and I can't tolerate any more pain," Stevie says hurriedly.

"Well alright then, when you feel the need to push though I am going to have to check you." She sighs walking out of the room. 

Despite the contractions coming over her in waves, she was able to get some sleep and she woke up abruptly at about four-twenty-two in the morning, by the hands of the clock. Her body was doing something and it was severely unpleasant. She could feel his head right at the top of what she assumes is the internal part of her entrance.  

"OH Shit!" She exclaims and Lindsey doesn't budge from his uncomfortable looking position on the chair. 

"LINDSEY! LINDSEY!" She calls to no avail. 

She finally takes the pillow from behind her head and musters as much strength as she could and smacks him with it.

"What?" He asks.

"Go....Agh, Go Get a Nurse...NOW!" She screams. 


Lindsey watched as she pushed, he held her hand tightly and sat on the edge of the bed next to her. Kissing her head. 

"You've got this angel." He whispers rubbing the arm that's furthest away from him. 

"I don't" She sobs. 

"Momma you need to PUSH now." The doctor says from between her legs.

She looks at Lindsey, takes a deep breath and curls in on her self. "Heads almost out. It's right there. Daddy, do you want to see it?" 

Lindsey looks at Stevie and he peers between her legs.

"He's got a lot of hair Angel." Lindsey smiles kissing her head again. 

"Two more and the head is going to be out." The Doctor states. 

"Come on baby," Lindsey kisses her head. 

"OW OW OW OW, It Burns." She sobs pushing again quickly to try and get the head out faster. 

"You've got this momma." The doctor coaches. 

Lindsey smiles when he sees the head emerge fully and Stevie lets out an alleviated sigh. 

"Alright, a couple of small pushes and he'll be out. Do you want to catch the baby?" The doctor asks.

Stevie just lets go of Lindsey's hand, slowly pulls her arms out of the sleeves of the hospital gown that was severely falling off of her body,  and places her hands around his head. She gives her two small pushes and she pulls her little boy up to her chest, and Lindsey's hand finds it's way to the back of the baby's head. 

"Look at him Angel, he's here." Lindsey coos kissing her head.

"Happy Birthday Aiden Michael." Stevie chokes out a sob as Lindsey chuckles and kisses her head again.

"Boy, born at 5:08 in the morning on July 16th. Dad do you want to cut the cord." The doctor smiles. 

Lindsey just nods and takes the scissors from her hands.


Stevie had been stitched and was sitting up in the bed when Lindsey brought Aiden back over and he handed the baby boy to her.

"So?" She asks.

"Nine pounds, eight ounces." Lindsey chuckles.

"Well, I did bring 3-6 month clothing." Stevie smiles down at the little boy who wakes from his sleep hearing his mother's voice. 

"Well hello, Hi Aiden...I'm your mommy, we met briefly but they took you from me quickly." Stevie smiles down at the little boy. 

He makes a gummy grin at his mother, and Lindsey kisses her head for like the millionth time over the course of that day and then she looks up at him.

"We need to call Helena." 

"Angel, it's six in the morning. I think we need to get him to sleep and get you to sleep." Lindsey replies. 

"I just want to hold him for a little while." Stevie states. 

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