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November 17, 1979

It was with a heavy heart that she quit working at the restaurant, but she was content staying home with the kiddos. She had Aiden in his little baby swing and she was organizing the shoes in the front room when the mailman drove away. She looked back and left the kid in his swing before walking out of the room and going out to grab the mail. 

As she was sifting through the letters she stumbled upon a letter addressed to her. She hadn't entirely cut herself from her family. She still kept in contact with her brother Christopher. She made her way back into the living room and watched her son who was reaching up and playing with the little dangly thingy's on the bar above the swing and she sits next to him and opens the letter from her brother.

Hey Steves,

We miss you here in Arizona. Um...I don't know how to begin. Dad had a heart attack. He's doing okay, but he misses you. He really wants to see you and keeps asking Mom if they could take a trip up to California. Mom's adamant that she doesn't want anything to do with you and she doesn't want to see you but Dad really does. I was thinking that you could maybe come for Thanksgiving. Aunt Carmel's going to be here and she could control mom. You could stay at my place with my girlfriend Lori. I'd really appreciate it if you wrote back or gave me a call

Chris left his number and she bit her lip before checking the time. She didn't know what it was that her brother exactly did and it was only noon, but she called him anyway. 

The phone rang for a little bit but then the very groggy voice of her brother answered the phone. 


"Rough Night?" Stevie asks.

"I've been working at the bar for dad. He has me there from eight at night until closing at four." Chris states.

"I'm sorry I woke you then." Stevie sighs as her baby starts whimpering and she takes him into her arms and tucks the phone between her shoulders. 

The formula feeding was highly not recommended by her doctors it was just something that she didn't feel comfortable doing. Especially because the only job she has left is stripping and she needs her boobs to stay as perky and round as possible. 

"It's okay. So, what's the pleasure of this call?" Chris asks.

"I got your letter. Though I don't want to go back to Phoenix, dad had a heart attack. I can't very well not go back. Especially if he wants to see me." Stevie sighs.

"Great, so should I send you some money for a plane ticket?" Chris questions.

"Um...No. But, I hope that you have room for me and three guests." Stevie sticks the bottle in Aiden's mouth who happily starts suckling.

"Three others?" She can hear Chris's confusion.

"My boyfriend, his daughter, and our son," Stevie explains looking down at the baby in her arms.

"Teedee..." Chris trails off.

"I had a baby boy on July 15th," Stevie replies.

"Well, what's...names?" Chris states.

"Well, my boyfriend is named Lindsey...his daughter is named Helena. Even though she's not mine she calls me mom and I love her like she's my own. Then the baby is named Aiden Michael Buckingham." Stevie explains.

"Teedee, dad's going to be thrilled." Chris chuckles.

"I hope so." Stevie sighs. 


When Lindsey got back home she laid everything out for him and he looked at her. 

"So you expect me to go somewhere and be nice to people that disowned you because you became a stripper," Lindsey replies crawling into bed with her, she was feeding Aiden propped up against the pillows.

"I do. But Lindsey, my dad had a heart attack and I just can't...I need to go see him. I'd rather go now and make amends than get a call that said we need to go to a very awkward funeral." Stevie replies as the baby spits his bottle out and she goes to burp him. 

"If I could go back and spend more time with my dad I absolutely would. So that's the only reason that I'm going and playing along willingly." Lindsey takes the boy from his mother's arms and moves him to the end of the bed where the cradle sits. 

Stevie was startled awake by something, but she didn't know what. She was laying on her back and she didn't move for a minute she just listened. The baby wasn't crying and she was about to wake Lindsey up when she felt the bed next to her indenting. 

"Helena, what's wrong?" Stevie questions shifting and wrapping her arms around the little girl. 

"I had a bad dream about Arizona." Helena states.

"What about, baby?" Stevie yawns as Helena nuzzles into her.

"They're going to be mean and they aren't going to like me." Helena shrugs.

"Well...I don't think they'll be mean to you...my dad is going to love to meet you. I can promise you that." Stevie kisses her head.

"You think so?" Helena sighs.

"I do think so baby." Stevie cuddles her closer as the two girls go back to sleep before they can wake up the two boys. 


Thanksgiving fell on November 22, and since they were driving they opted to pull Helena out of school on the nineteenth at noon and they arrived at Christopher's around seven-thirty. 

Stevie was shifting uncomfortably infront of the front door She had the baby in his little car seat carrier and Lindsey was carrying Helena. 

"Steph...knock." Lindsey states.

She bites her lip but brings her hand up slowly and starts knocking. The door flung open and a redhead answered. 

"You must be Stevie, I'm Lori. Chris' girlfriend. He's at work. Told me to send you all to the bar to see him and Jess. But come on in. We have two bedrooms set up for you guys." 

After Lori gave them a tour of the house, and they got settled. The left the kids with Lori, they were both sleeping and Lindsey and Stevie made their way to the bar. 

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