The Gods and Goddesses of Aldhara

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Aldhara is a world of weapons and magic. It was ruled by elemental gods and goddesses, the sons and daughters of the first rulers. It was once pictured as a perfect world by its very first rulers, Aldar, and Vhara.

But the dark era came as the Goddess Vhara died and became the Goddess of the End. She was wounded when she gave birth to the God of Fire, Ragna. Aldar, the supreme deity and the God of the Beginning, grief for her beloved wife as he cut himself in half and his wife remains in two.

He combines it with the last goddess body created but it had no life. As he fell into despair, a certain light drops from out of nowhere into the body. It covers the body and came to life.

He names it, Cordelia, the Goddess of Will. After that, he falls into slumber went away from where he originated in the north.

The elemental gods and goddesses ruled on behalf of their fathers and mother.

The first son, Mantle, the god of earth, and the first daughter, Quincy, the goddess of water, divide their territory as they both govern the ocean and continent. Some of their lands were given to their brothers and sisters.

They started to create their own according to their will. Mantle creates titans(earth), giants( stone), dwarves( metal), dryads(grass), druids ( Wood), dwellers(sand), gnome (glass), loxon (Clay), marten (Dust) and trolls( plastic).

They were ruled by his subordinate gods and goddesses, Steno, Gobesh, Bonita, Silva, Chande, Matheia, Tungju, Onaara, and Pyagma, respectively.

Quincy, as she governs the water most of her territory, is submerged but Mantle gave her a small land that is able to withstand the water surrounding it.

She creates merfolk (water), nereid (ice), Scylla (Jelly), lamias ( poison), vampire( blood), orks (oil), krappas (ink), cheto (wax), and selkie ( vapor).

Which are under the subordinate gods and goddesses, Khoeli, Turna, Sakhlis, Jichar, Bomira, Pyarmia, Tretisia, and Palkesy.

The second son and next to Quincy, is Erektus, the god of darkness. It was said in the legend that he is the male version of Vhara. He took the land from the southwest and next to Mantle.

He creates ghouls (dark), bonemen(death), cat sith (Space), ramius(shadow),maji (time), Genku (transmutation), ritian ( Curse) and witches( dream)

His subordinate gods and goddesses are Rhora, Libes, Ouray, Zicaya, Sakiko, Konami, and Humira.

The third son and next to Erektus, is Xeorko, the god of Lightning. He is quite tricky and very unpredictable toward others. The land was given to him in the Southeast and next to Mantle and Erektus lands. Mantle was worried that he might pull tricks on others so he put him next to himself.

He creates minotaurs( Lightning), hares (Kinetic), centaurs (Nuclear), sirens( Sound), alvients ( Chemical), kanoe (Force), and nues (Radiation).

They were under the management of the subordinate gods and goddesses, Thad, Raaya, Svecho, Horun, Zeshin, and Nandra.

The second daughter and next to Xeorko, is Solipius, the goddess of Life. She is said to be the female version of Aldar. She is a very mother-figure and calm one, compares to others. Though she was born before the incident of Vhara, her ability requires her very self to become absolute.

She creates liogs( Holy ), garumas (Life ), davun(Sun), pallum (Love/Empath), shecron (Light), and stargazers (Estella).

And they were under the government by the following subordinate gods and goddesses, Altheira, Prima, Daesis, Lorwei, and Esteria.

The third daughter and next to Solipius, is Vener, the goddess of Wind. She likes to go wherever she wants and that makes her alone most of the time. Nobody could stop her as she is full of herself.

She creates elves ( wind), fairy(fragrance), humus ( Vacuum), sepiras ( Phasing), and harpies (clouds).

They were ruled by the subordinate gods and goddesses, Chefertum, Arin, Sephyr, and Hanes.

The fourth son, next to Vener and also the reason behind the wound of Vhara, is Ragna, the god of Fire. Despite being the reasons behind this, Aldar and Vhara never blame him and protect him from the others as he is innocent and must not carry the burden of the incident.

He creates the dragonkin (fire), rauger(Combustion), zveno(Smoke), and lizardmen ( lava).

Which manage by his subordinate goddess and wife, that born with the help of her eldest sister and eldest brother, Peran, his daughter, Brigena, and his son, Vulen.

Next to him is the fourth daughter, Gayesia, the goddess of wisdom. She entirely inherits the knowledge of creation as she was born from the head of Vhara and not from the womb.

She creates arachne ( wisdom), myuze ( literature), and progen ( calculation)

She has twin subordinate gods and goddesses, Thokra, and Daara.

Last is where Cordelia was born. It is said that she is neither man nor a woman as she has both body parts of the Aldar and Vhara at the same time.

She creates humans (nihil) and animals (nihil).

She has subordinate gods and goddesses, Urwin( beast/animal), Mumbai (Justice and Judgement), Virey ( Valor and Victorious), Gracia ( Mercy and Morality ), and Hilda( Amity and Altruistic).

As the time of creation comes to end, the main jobs of the gods and goddesses are the maintenance of the world and renounce there physical embodiment to the world.

As kingdoms erected with the religion as it in center, they were still able to send divine messages via oracle, archbishop and possession. However, the later would ended up in huge crisis such the body and the world must shoulder a huge amount of mana in order to make it happen.

With difference traits, culture, religion and perceptions. A first world domestic war broke up, the people challenges one another and even questioned the roles of the gods and goddesses.

Saddened by this situation, a cracked from the south pole emerged.

Monster started to flood the world , where faith started to increase.

Demon God rather the First Demon King was born .

Urwin, the God of Beast who first rescued was slain in process and corrupts at that time assumes Supreme Diety- Cordelia.

In hopes for the world to be still maintain , Mumbai - The Gods of Justice and Judgement assumes the trones of Supreme Diety.

Then one thousand years of episode of battles happen.

As the enemy greatly afftected the physical world , the current gods and goddesses grants power among the people.

Only 9 heroes, are able to survive, slain and sealed the Demon King.

Drunk in the truimph, Mumbai peoples ejects all regarding the Fallen Supreme Diety and Subordinate God.

As he began to empowered ruling over the other orginal gods and goddesses.

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